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ruby-debug Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers

My Rails is, Ruby is 1.9.3p448.

I got an error when I install ruby-debug:

Building native extensions.  This could take a while... ERROR:  Error installing ruby-debug:         ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.      /home/hxh/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/ruby extconf.rb Can't handle 1.9.x yet *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.  You may need configuration options.  Provided configuration options:         --with-opt-dir         --without-opt-dir         --with-opt-include         --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include         --with-opt-lib         --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib         --with-make-prog         --without-make-prog         --srcdir=.         --curdir         --ruby=/home/hxh/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/ruby   Gem files will remain installed in /home/hxh/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/linecache-0.46 for inspection. Results logged to /home/hxh/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/linecache-0.46/ext/gem_make.out 

Who can tell me where the error is?

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HXH Avatar asked Oct 31 '13 02:10


2 Answers

The error is in the mkmf.log file. That file should be located at /home/hxh/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/linecache-0.46/ext/linecache/mkmf.log.

If not, you can use

sudo find / -name mkmf.log 

to find it.

To troubleshoot further, see "How to install Nokogiri Ruby gem with mkmf.log saying libiconv not found?"

like image 179
skibum55 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09


I am using Mac El Capitan. In my case it was caused by the missing developer tool. I solved it by installing the developer tool via xcode-select --install. After that bundle install worked fine again.

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Guster Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
