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How to use Fiddler to monitor a Windows Service?

It seems that Fiddler will not monitor anything that's not run under the same user as Fiddler itself. I would like to monitor a Windows Service which is run under Local System.

Is this possible?

like image 532
AngryHacker Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 19:01


1 Answers

I made it work by referring Is there a way to configure Fiddler to intercept HTTP calls from a Windows service?

Codeka provided a clue to get me going in the right direction. The piece that was still missing was how to get the proxy configured. The <appname>.exe.config [needs <defaultProxy> specified][1] to have a section like the following added:


   <!-- The `<system.net>` element is an immediate child of >`<configuration>` but can appear anywhere in app.config -->
       <defaultProxy enabled="true">
           <proxy proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="False"/>


Once this was done the Windows service's http traffic started flowing through Fiddler.

like image 159
Kevin Li Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10

Kevin Li