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How to use eclox, the doxygen plugin for Eclipse

How do I get eclox working in Eclipse 3.5?

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04. I installed Doxygen from ubuntu repositories(version 1.5.8). Then I installed eclox on eclipse through the update site.

Despite this, I don't get any option to in any menu to initiate it.

Also the eclox site doesn't seem to have any "getting started" guide.

Please help.

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ruwan.jayaweera Avatar asked Jan 21 '10 10:01


3 Answers

BTW there is a manual inside org.gna.eclox_0.8.0.jar, wierd they did not post this on the project site!!!

Here is the content

      Eclox, a Doxygen frontend plugin for Eclipse.

    There are two options to install the plugin: using the update site or using the packaged feature.

    The update site is the more convenient way to install eclox. It is located at https://anb0s.github.io/eclox. See eclipse's user guilde for additionnal details.

    When using the packaged feature, you must extract the archive content into your eclipse's root location. For additionnal details, please refer to eclipse's user guide.


    Once the plugin installed, you must ensure that the default PATH environment variable makes the doxygen binary reachable for the plugin. If not, you can update PATH to include to directory containing the Doxygen binary, or you can tell Eclox where that binary is located on your system (which is in my opinion the better solution). To do this, open eclipse's preference edition dialog window and go into the new "Doxygen" section.

  3. USAGE

    You can create new Doxygen projects (also called doxyfiles) using the creation wizard. Go to "File->New->Other->Other->Doxygen Configuration". Press next and set both file location and name. Then a empty doxyfile will be created at the specified location, the wizard automatically adds the ".Doxyfile" extension.

    You should now see a file with a blue @-sign icon. This is your new doxyfile. Double-clicking on it will open the editor. You can now browse and edit the settings.

    Once your have properly set all doxyfile fields, you can launch a documentation build using the toolbar icon showing a blue @-sign. In the case the button is not visible in the toolbar, your current perspective needs to get configured. Go to "Window->Customize perspective->Commands" and in "Available command groups" check "Doxygen". Additionnaly, you can browse the laetest builds by clicking the down arrow right to the toolbar button.

    When the documentation build starts, a new view showing the build log opens. In its toolbar, a button named "Stop" allows you to halt the current build process. The current build also appears in the Eclipse job progress view and you can control the job from there.

    The build toolbar action determine the next doxyfile to build depending on the current active workbench part (editor or view) and the current selection in that part. For example, if the active part is a doxyfile editor, the next doxyfile to build will be the one being edited. If the active part is the resource explorer and the current selection is a doxyfile, that doxyfile will be next to get build. In the case the active part selection doesn't correspond to a doxyfile, the last built doxyfile will be rebuiled. And if the build history is empty, you will be asked for the doxyfile to build.

HTH Anybody

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siva.p Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 02:11


Never mind, worked it out my self.

First you need to create a DoxyFile (which is the configuration file) by giving the source path and the output path.

Then only you can generate the documentation by right clicking the project and selecting the "Generate Documentation".

Thanks anyway!

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ruwan.jayaweera Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 00:11


I just faced a problem setting the Doxygen binary path in eclox 0.8.0 settings in Eclipse on Mac OS X 10.7. There is no way to configure the path via Eclipse-preferences->Doxygen.

The solution is to edit the preferences file manually

  1. add a (fake) location, let's say /Applications, using the wizard mentioned above.
  2. close Eclipse
  3. edit this file: $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.gna.eclox.core.prefs: Replace the value for doxygen.default (currently eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen /Applications\n) with eclox.core.doxygen.CustomDoxygen /Applications/Doxygen.app/Contents/Resources/doxygen\n.
  4. restart Eclipse
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klaus Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 01:11
