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Unpacking tuples/arrays/lists as indices for Numpy Arrays


I would love to be able to do

>>> A = numpy.array(((1,2),(3,4))) >>> idx = (0,0) >>> A[*idx] 

and get


however this is not valid syntax. Is there a way of doing this without explicitly writing out

>>> A[idx[0], idx[1]] 


EDIT: Thanks for the replies. In my program I was indexing with a Numpy array rather than a tuple and getting strange results. Converting to a tuple as Alok suggests does the trick.

like image 884
ntimes Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 03:03


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2 Answers

It's easier than you think:

>>> import numpy >>> A = numpy.array(((1,2),(3,4))) >>> idx = (0,0) >>> A[idx] 1 
like image 52
Vicki Laidler Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Vicki Laidler



Unless you have a more complex use case that's not as simple as this example, the above should work for all arrays.

like image 36
Alok Singhal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Alok Singhal