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How to use Django variable in JavaScript file?

I know that we can use Django variable in templates(html files) with {{variable}}, but how can I use a variable Django in a Javascript file that included in the template?

For example here is my template.html:

<script src="/static/youtube.js"></script>

how can I use variable {{user.get_username}} in youtube.js? not in template.html cause I did't wrote my script here...and when I use {{user.get_username}} in Javascript file youtube.js it caused an error "invalid token { ", but in the template it works fine.

Thanks a lot!

like image 757
Yuqing Wei Avatar asked Apr 18 '16 08:04

Yuqing Wei

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{% include %} Processes a partial template. Any variables in the parent template will be available in the partial template. Variables set from the partial template using the set or assign tags will be available in the parent template.

1 Answers

You need to print it before your script tag

    var username = {{user.get_username}};
<script src="/static/youtube.js"></script>

Then you can use the username variable inside your youtube.js as it is declared as a javascript global variable.

like image 194
cor Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
