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How to use DataProtectionProvider?

I'm new to WinRT and was exploring it's security features and I've got a couple of questions regarding to Windows.Security.Cryptography.DataProtection.DataProtectionProvider class:

  • What encryption algorithm does it use (e.g. AES or TwoFish)?
  • According to MSDN document you can use symmetric key for encryption, anyone knows what do you pass in as 'protectionDescription' constructor argument if you want to do this?
  • Finally, the MSDN document says you have to use the parameter-less constructor before calling the UnprotectAsync method. How come you don't need to pass in a key to decrypt the data?


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oscarkuo Avatar asked Oct 09 '22 05:10


1 Answers

No one here explained or gave the answer to the original question. I couldn't find much information on DataProtectionProvider.

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SurenSaluka Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
