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How to use custom pipe on async pipe?

I'm trying to create custom pipe on asynchronous pipe, I tried many solutions, but still not working. Here is the snippet of code.

product.sort.ts - custom pipe

import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

    name: 'sortByName'
export class ProductPipe implements PipeTransform{
    /*transform(values: Array<any>, term:string){
        return values.filter(obj => obj.pname.startsWith(term))

    //CODE NOT WORKING >>>>>
    transform($value: Observable<Array<any>>, term:string){
                (obj) => {
                    return obj.filter(obj => obj.pname.startsWith(term))

products.component.ts - main component

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { AppService } from '../app.service/app.service';
import { ProductPipe } from '../products.sort/products.sort';

    selector: 'products-pg',
    template: `
        Products List:
            <li *ngFor = 'let product of $productList | async | sortByName:"A"'>{{product.pname}}</li>
export class ProductsComponent implements OnInit{
    private $productList:Observable<Array<any>>;

    constructor(private _service: AppService, private _store: Store<Array<any>>){}

        this.$productList = this._store.select('products');

Here, I'm using store for state management, I'm trying to sort by name, so passing "A" as first letter. Since $productList is observable, how to write pipe which handles asynchronous behavior like this, plase help me to solve this.

like image 724
Sagar Ganesh Avatar asked Jan 09 '17 12:01

Sagar Ganesh

People also ask

How do you use custom pipes?

Steps Involved In Creating a Custom Pipe In Angular are: 1) Create a Pipe Class and decorate it with the decorator @Pipe. 2) Supply a name property to be used as template code name. 3) Register your Pipe in the module under declarations. 4) Finally, implement PipeTransform and write transformation logic.

Can we change multiple pipe in a single expression along with async pipe?

Router service needs to be explicitly provided in angular module to use it in another component via DI. You can chain multiple pipe in a single expression along with “async” pipe.

How do you use async pipe in component?

Angular's async pipe is a pipe that subscribes to an Observable or Promise for you and returns the last value that was emitted. $observable. subscribe((result) => { // do something with the result here }); Every time a new value is emitted the async pipe will automatically mark your component to be checked for changes.

1 Answers

I had the same issue as well the way I fixed it, was like this:

<li class="list-group-item" *ngFor='let alert of _alerts$ | ipwrAlertFilter:seeAll | async'>

look how I had my custom filter before the async pipe, this way my custom pipe gets an observable and then in my pipe I have this:

return value.map(data => data.filter(x => x.originalHasBeenSeen === false));

this way my custom pipe still returns something that I can still apply async pipe on. and so with each new item in stream I still get a hit on my custom pipe and my view gets updated. hope this helps.

like image 147
Aran Dekar Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10

Aran Dekar