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How to use custom packages





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How do you use custom packages in go language?

Create a file named main.go inside our learnpackage directory with the following contents. The line of code package main specifies that this file belongs to the main package. The import "packagename" statement is used to import an existing package. packagename.

How do I add custom packages to go?

Check your GOPATH in environment variables and set it to the directory which contains all Go files. Create a new folder with the name of the package you wish to create. In the folder created in step 2, create your go file that holds the Go package code you wish to create.

First, be sure to read and understand the "How to write Go code" document.

The actual answer depends on the nature of your "custom package".

If it's intended to be of general use, consider employing the so-called "Github code layout". Basically, you make your library a separate go get-table project.

If your library is for internal use, you could go like this:

  1. Place the directory with library files under the directory of your project.
  2. In the rest of your project, refer to the library using its path relative to the root of your workspace containing the project.

To demonstrate:


Now, in the top-level main.go, you could import "myproject/mylib" and it would work OK.

For this kind of folder structure:


The simplest way is to use this:

import (

For a project hosted on GitHub, here's what people usually do:



package mylib



import "github.com/laike9m/myproject/mylib"


I am an experienced programmer, but, quite new into Go world ! And I confess I've faced few difficulties to understand Go... I faced this same problem when trying to organize my go files in sub-folders. The way I did it :

GO_Directory ( the one assigned to $GOPATH )

GO_Directory //the one assigned to $GOPATH
_____ main.go
_____ Entites
_____ Fiboo // in my case, fiboo is a database name
_________ Client.go // in my case, Client is a table name

On File MyProject\Entities\Fiboo\Client.go

package Fiboo

type Client struct{
    ID int
    name string

on file MyProject\main.go

package main

    Fiboo "./Entity/Fiboo" 

var TableClient  Fiboo.Client

func main(){
    TableClient.ID = 1
    TableClient.name = 'Hugo'

    // do your things here

( I am running Go 1.9 on Ubuntu 16.04 )

And remember guys, I am newbie on Go. If what I am doing is bad practice, let me know !

another solution:
add src/myproject to $GOPATH.

Then import "mylib" will compile.

I try so many ways but the best I use go.mod and put

module nameofProject.com

and then i import from same project I use


It's very useful to create project in any place