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How to use Castle Windsor with ASP.Net web forms?

I am trying to wire up dependency injection with Windsor to standard asp.net web forms. I think I have achieved this using a HttpModule and a CustomAttribute (code shown below), although the solution seems a little clunky and was wondering if there is a better supported solution out of the box with Windsor?

There are several files all shown together here

    // index.aspx.cs     public partial class IndexPage : System.Web.UI.Page     {         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             Logger.Write("page loading");         }          [Inject]         public ILogger Logger { get; set; }     }      // WindsorHttpModule.cs     public class WindsorHttpModule : IHttpModule     {         private HttpApplication _application;         private IoCProvider _iocProvider;          public void Init(HttpApplication context)         {             _application = context;             _iocProvider = context as IoCProvider;              if(_iocProvider == null)             {                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Application must implement IoCProvider");             }              _application.PreRequestHandlerExecute += InitiateWindsor;         }          private void InitiateWindsor(object sender, System.EventArgs e)         {             Page currentPage = _application.Context.CurrentHandler as Page;             if(currentPage != null)             {                 InjectPropertiesOn(currentPage);                 currentPage.InitComplete += delegate { InjectUserControls(currentPage); };             }         }          private void InjectUserControls(Control parent)         {             if(parent.Controls != null)             {                 foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)                 {                     if(control is UserControl)                     {                         InjectPropertiesOn(control);                     }                     InjectUserControls(control);                 }             }         }          private void InjectPropertiesOn(object currentPage)         {             PropertyInfo[] properties = currentPage.GetType().GetProperties();             foreach(PropertyInfo property in properties)             {                 object[] attributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (InjectAttribute), false);                 if(attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)                 {                     object valueToInject = _iocProvider.Container.Resolve(property.PropertyType);                     property.SetValue(currentPage, valueToInject, null);                 }             }         }     }      // Global.asax.cs     public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication, IoCProvider     {         private IWindsorContainer _container;          public override void Init()         {             base.Init();              InitializeIoC();         }          private void InitializeIoC()         {             _container = new WindsorContainer();             _container.AddComponent<ILogger, Logger>();         }          public IWindsorContainer Container         {             get { return _container; }         }     }      public interface IoCProvider     {         IWindsorContainer Container { get; }     } 
like image 433
Xian Avatar asked Nov 16 '08 11:11


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1 Answers

I think you're basically on the right track - If you have not already I would suggest taking a look at Rhino Igloo, an WebForms MVC framework, Here's a good blog post on this and the source is here - Ayende (the Author of Rhino Igloo) tackles the issue of using Windsor with webforms quite well in this project/library.

I would cache the reflection info if you're going to inject the entire nested set of controls, that could end up being a bit of a performance hog I suspect.

Last of all spring.net approaches this in a more configuration-oriented way, but it might be worth taking a look at their implementation - here's a good reference blog post on this.

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Bittercoder Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
