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How to get all the values from appsettings key which starts with specific name and pass this to any array?

I'd use a little LINQ:

string[] repositoryUrls = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys
                             .Where(key => key.StartsWith("Service1URL"))
                             .Select(key => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key])

You are overwriting the array for every iteration

List<string> values = new List<string>();
foreach (string key in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings)
            if (key.StartsWith("Service1URL"))
                string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];


string[] repositoryUrls = values.ToArray();

I defined a class to hold the variables I am interested in and iterate through the properties and look for something in the app.config to match.

Then I can consume the instance as I wish. Thoughts?

public static ConfigurationSettings SetConfigurationSettings
    ConfigurationSettings configurationsettings = new   ConfigurationSettings();
        foreach (var prop in  configurationsettings.GetType().GetProperties())
            string property = (prop.Name.ToString());
            string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[property];
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = configurationsettings.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name);
            propertyInfo.SetValue(configurationsettings, value, null);

    return configurationsettings;