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How to use aggregate functions in mysql?

I have 2 tables

  1. students
  2. payments

In students table I have fields like

student_id(Primary key),

In payments table I have fields like

payment_id(Primary key),
student_id(Foreign key reference to students table), 

enter image description here

I am trying to achive:

  • Display the result in the form below i.e each counselor has their students in different university.
  • The total number of students belongs to particular university from particular counselor and how much amount is payable, paid and balance as shown in the table above.

Any insight?

like image 602
Sha Avatar asked Jul 02 '16 06:07


People also ask

What is an aggregate function in MySQL?

An aggregate function performs a calculation on multiple values and returns a single value. For example, you can use the AVG() aggregate function that takes multiple numbers and returns the average value of the numbers.

How do you use an aggregate function?

The AGGREGATE function is designed for columns of data, or vertical ranges. It is not designed for rows of data, or horizontal ranges. For example, when you subtotal a horizontal range using option 1, such as AGGREGATE(1, 1, ref1), hiding a column does not affect the aggregate sum value.

What is aggregate function example?

For example, avg() (average) can be computed by sum()/count(), where both sum() and count() are distributive aggregate functions. Similarly, it can be shown that min_N() and max_N() (which find the N minimum and N maximum values, respectively, in a given set) and standard_deviation() are algebraic aggregate functions.

Can we use aggregate function with GROUP BY clause in MySQL?

The GROUP BY clause is often used with an aggregate function to perform calculations and return a single value for each subgroup.

1 Answers

Create statement for student table:

CREATE TABLE `student` (
  `name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `university` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `counselor` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Create statement payment table:

CREATE TABLE `payment` (
  `student_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `payable` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `paid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `balance` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `FK payment student_id student id_idx` (`student_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK payment student_id student id` FOREIGN KEY (`student_id`) REFERENCES `student` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION

Students and payments data insertion

INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 1', 'u 1', 'c 1');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 2', 'u 1', 'c 1');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 3', 'u 1', 'c 2');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 4', 'u 1', 'c 2');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 5', 'u 2', 'c 3');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 6', 'u 2', 'c 3');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 7', 'u 2', 'c 4');
INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `university`, `counselor`) VALUES ('student 8', 'u 2', 'c 4');
INSERT INTO `payment` (`student_id`, `payable`, `paid`, `balance`) VALUES ('1', 500, 300, 200);
INSERT INTO `payment` (`student_id`, `payable`, `paid`, `balance`) VALUES ('2', 500, 300, 200);
INSERT INTO `payment` (`student_id`, `payable`, `paid`, `balance`) VALUES ('3', 400, 400, 400);
INSERT INTO `payment` (`student_id`, `payable`, `paid`, `balance`) VALUES ('4', 400, 400, 400);
INSERT INTO `payment` (`student_id`, `payable`, `paid`, `balance`) VALUES ('5', 100, 200, 300);
INSERT INTO `payment` (`student_id`, `payable`, `paid`, `balance`) VALUES ('6', 51, 52, 53);

And here what we have:

mysql> select * from student;
| id | name      | university | counselor |
|  1 | student 1 | u 1        | c 1       |
|  2 | student 2 | u 1        | c 1       |
|  3 | student 3 | u 1        | c 2       |
|  4 | student 4 | u 1        | c 2       |
|  5 | student 5 | u 2        | c 3       |
|  6 | student 6 | u 2        | c 3       |
|  7 | student 7 | u 2        | c 4       |
|  8 | student 8 | u 2        | c 4       |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select * from payment;
| id | student_id | payable | paid | balance |
|  1 |          1 |     500 |  300 |     200 |
|  2 |          2 |     500 |  300 |     200 |
|  3 |          3 |     400 |  400 |     400 |
|  4 |          4 |     400 |  400 |     400 |
|  5 |          5 |     100 |  200 |     300 |
|  6 |          6 |      51 |   52 |      53 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

query itself to select all counselor:

    COUNT(name) AS 'no of students',
    SUM(payment.payable) AS payable,
    SUM(payment.paid) AS paid,
    SUM(payment.balance) AS balance
        LEFT JOIN
    payment ON payment.student_id = student.id
GROUP BY counselor;


mysql>     SELECT
    ->         counselor,
    ->         university,
    ->         COUNT(name) AS 'no of students',
    ->         SUM(payment.payable) AS payable,
    ->         SUM(payment.paid) AS paid,
    ->         SUM(payment.balance) AS balance
    ->     FROM
    ->         student
    ->             LEFT JOIN
    ->         payment ON payment.student_id = student.id
    ->     GROUP BY counselor;
| counselor | university | no of students | payable | paid | balance |
| c 1       | u 1        |              2 |    1000 |  600 |     400 |
| c 2       | u 1        |              2 |     800 |  800 |     800 |
| c 3       | u 2        |              2 |     151 |  252 |     353 |
| c 4       | u 2        |              2 |    NULL | NULL |    NULL |

Also you don't have to use student prefix on all fields in student table. It's obvious that name in student table means student name and so on.

And here is simply php code to print table.

This is db connect class so you can skip it:

define('DB_MAIN', 'localhost|someroot|some|db');

class my_db{

    private static $databases;
    private $connection;

    public function __construct($connDetails){
            list($host, $user, $pass, $dbname) = explode('|', $connDetails);
            $dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname";
            self::$databases[$connDetails] = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
        $this->connection = self::$databases[$connDetails];

    public function fetchAll($sql){
        $args = func_get_args();
        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
         return $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

$db = new my_db(DB_MAIN);

main php code itself:

$universities = $db->fetchAll('SELECT distinct university FROM student');
$counselors = $db->fetchAll('SELECT distinct counselor FROM student');
$payments_ = $db->fetchAll(' SELECT
    COUNT(name) AS \'no of students\',
    SUM(payment.payable) AS payable,
    SUM(payment.paid) AS paid,
    SUM(payment.balance) AS balance
        LEFT JOIN
    payment ON payment.student_id = student.id
GROUP BY counselor;');

$payments = [];

foreach ($payments_ as $payment)
    $payments[$payment->counselor][$payment->university] = $payment;

<table border="1">
        <td rowspan="2" >counselor</td>
    foreach ( $universities as $key => $university){ ?>

        <td colspan="4" ><?=$university->university ?> </td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php foreach ( $universities as $university){?>
        <td>no of students</td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php foreach ( $counselors as $counselor){?>
    <?php foreach ( $universities as $key => $university){
        $payment = $payments[$counselor->counselor][$university->university];
        <?php if(!$key){?>
        <?php } ?>
        <td><?=(int)$payment->{'no of students'}?></td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>

html result

<table border="1">
    <td rowspan="2">counselor</td>

    <td colspan="4">u 1 </td>

    <td colspan="4">u 2 </td>
    <td>no of students</td>
    <td>no of students</td>
    <td>c 1</td>
    <td>c 2</td>
    <td>c 3</td>
    <td>c 4</td>
like image 76
Maksym Semenykhin Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09

Maksym Semenykhin