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Kill MySQL query on user abort




When running a long query from PHP, [how] can I kill the query if the user presses stop in their browser?

Take into consideration that I cannot call any other PHP functions because PHP is blocked while waiting for MySQL.

Also I cannot make any more requests to the server (via Ajax) because of session locking.

So one solution could be:

  • ignore user abort
  • run the long query in the back ground and have PHP check every 100ms if it has finished
  • get the pid from the query
  • if the user aborts, kill the pid
  • else return the result when finished

The 2 thing that I dont know how to do in that is:

  • run a non blocking (background) query
  • get the pid of a query
like image 653
Petah Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 11:09


People also ask

How do I force kill a query in MySQL?

Run the following command: mysql> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('KILL ',id,';') SEPARATOR ' ') FROM information_schema. processlist WHERE user <> 'system user'; This will kill all your MySQL queries.

How do I stop a MySQL script?

Use SHOW PROCESSLIST to view all connections, and KILL the process ID's you want to kill. mysql>show processlist; mysql> kill "number from first col"; or you can KILL complete connection also for stop all query from a specific connection.

How do you end a query in PHP?

To stop a running query you should use the SQL command KILL QUERY processid .

2 Answers

For those who are interested, here is what I used:

// Connection to query on
$query_con = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $name, $port);

// Connection to kill on
$kill_con = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $name, $port);

// Start the query
$query_con->query($slow_query, MYSQLI_ASYNC);

// Get the PID
$thread_id = $query_con->thread_id;

// Ignore user abort so we can kill the query

do  {
    // Poll MySQL
    $links = $errors = $reject = array($mysqli->mysqli);
    $poll = mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 500000);

    // Check if the connection is aborted and the query was killed
    if (connection_aborted() && mysqli_kill($kill_con, $thread_id)) {
} while (!$poll);

// Not aborted, so do stuff with the result
$result = $link->reap_async_query();
if (is_object($result)) {
    // Select
    while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
} else {
    // Insert/update/delete
like image 139
Petah Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10


Once PHP notices the user has stopped the request (this usually will not happen until the script tries to output something to the user), your script will terminate. Before shutting down, PHP calls any shutdown functions you've activated. You can implement a shutdown function that kills your query, and register it with register_shutdown_function()

An other way you might be able to do this, is by running your script with ignore_user_abort() turned on, and checking if the user has aborted by calling connection_aborted() periodically. If the user has aborted, kill the query and gracefully exit your script.

More information on connection handling here.

like image 26
Rijk Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
