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How to use ActionBar sherlock ?

How do I use actionbar sherlock in my android application? i have tried the website but had no sucess.. I want to have a background image,center the app name "no icon in the actionbar" I have tried this code and the example in this link but im not understanding how to setup the code like the files and all. I could use some extra help also here is my download link https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8kwk1ao6ye56dr/Cydia.zip

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Jacob Anthony Tonna Avatar asked Mar 24 '23 19:03

Jacob Anthony Tonna

2 Answers

Here is how to use ActionBarSherlock:

  1. Download the ActionBarSherlock here.

  2. Assuming you're using Eclipse IDE, right click your Project, click Properties, then Android. At the bottom, in Layout, Add ActionBarSherlock.

  3. Make sure ActionBarSherlock and your Project are in the same directory.

  4. Extend your classes to Sherlock naming. For example, instead of Activity, change it to Sherlock Activity. The main documentation of ActionBarSherlock is found here.

  5. For easier usage of Sherlock, create util methods in changing the Sherlock names and modifying it.

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princepiero Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 09:03


Can you explain more briefly what do you want to do?

for centering the app name, you could use this answer:

Set Title gravity to center in ActionBarSherlock

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Ahmed Ekri Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 11:03

Ahmed Ekri