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How to use a stack to parse a string

I have a String:

String stringContent="{\\*\\listtable{\\list{\\listlevel{\\leveltext}{\\levelNumber}}}}"

How do I select values of all enclosing braces one by one in each pass like this:


So far I've done this:

   public class StringExtracter {

public String stringofObject(Section parentSectionObject, String stringContent) {
    Stack stack=new Stack();
    String returnString = "";

    char arr[] = stringContent.toCharArray();

    for(int i=0;i<=arr.length;i++){

           Section sectionObject=new Section(parentSectionObject,stringContent);


    return returnString;

But the problem is that it is not detecting the right } like this. How should I be doing this?

Output as of now:

like image 240
Identity1 Avatar asked Aug 08 '15 10:08


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1 Answers

Stack-based solution (problably could be simpler, but let's solve the problem first):

public class Main {

    public static class Node {
        public int level;
        public String content = "";
        public List<Node> children = new ArrayList<>();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String input="{\\\\*\\\\listtable{\\\\list{\\\\listlevel{\\\\leveltext}{\\\\levelNumber}}}}";

        Node root = null;
        Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();

        for(char c: input.toCharArray()) {
            if (c == '{') {
                Node n = new Node();
                n.level = stack.size() + 1;
                n.content += c;
                if (root == null) root = n;
            } else if (c == '}') {
                Node n = stack.pop();
                n.content += c;
                if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                stack.peek().content += c;

        TreeTraverser<Node> treeTraverser = new TreeTraverser<Node>() {
            public Iterable<Node> children(Node root) {
                return root.children;

        for(Node node : treeTraverser.preOrderTraversal(root)) {
            String indent = String.format("%" + node.level + "s", " ");
            System.out.println(indent + node.content);

Note: Google's Guava library is needed for the TreeTraverser



Edit 1: modified to create a tree after additional input from the OP

Edit 2: modified to treat the siblings correctly

like image 121
mzc Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
