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How to upload file through Jquery/AJAX [duplicate]

I am currently POSTING my form through AJAX with the following code:

    $("form#createForm").submit(function() { // loginForm is submitted
        $("form#createForm input#createForm_submit").attr('disabled','disabled');


            type: "POST",
            dataType: "json",
            url: "perform", // URL of the Perl script
            data: $("#createForm").serialize(),

            // script call was successful 
            // data contains the JSON values returned by the Perl script 
            success: function(data){


                if (data.error) { // script returned error
                    var myList = $('ul.msg-list').empty();

                    $.each(data.msg, function(key,item) {

                    $('div#create_createresult').html('some error').html(myList);

                    $("form#createForm input#createForm_submit").removeAttr('disabled');
                } // if
                { // login was successful

                } //else
            } // success
        }); // ajax
        return false;

Now I want to add the posibility of uploading a picture in the same form and just implement it in this JQUERY and in the same server-side script. My only problem is, I don't know how to do it.. I have tested the above, and I find, that it doesn't pass the $_FILES-variable to my server side script.

Can anyone lead me in any direction of, what I need to do, to add the possibility of image upload with this script?

like image 811
denlau Avatar asked Nov 12 '13 03:11


1 Answers

try to use this.

// grab your file object from a file input
$('#fileInput').change(function () {

// can also be from a drag-from-desktop drop
$('dropZone')[0].ondrop = function (e) {

function sendFile(file) {
    type: 'post',
    url: '/targeturl?name=' + file.name,
    data: file,
    success: function () {
      // do something
    xhrFields: {
      // add listener to XMLHTTPRequest object directly for progress (jquery doesn't have this yet)
      onprogress: function (progress) {
        // calculate upload progress
        var percentage = Math.floor((progress.total / progress.totalSize) * 100);
        // log upload progress to console
        console.log('progress', percentage);
        if (percentage === 100) {
    processData: false,
    contentType: file.type
like image 152
ruin3936 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10
