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How to upgrade Atom Editor on Linux?



What is the best way to upgrade atom on Linux Ubuntu ? I install atom using official doc

  git clone https://github.com/atom/atom   cd atom   script/build   sudo script/grunt install 
like image 222
Bertrand Avatar asked Jul 14 '14 17:07


People also ask

Is Atom available for Linux?

You can install Atom on Linux using your distribution's package manager by configuring it to use one of our official package repositories. This will also enable you to update Atom when new releases are published.

1 Answers

I created the following script to update my atom on Ubuntu 14.10.

#!/bin/bash # Update atom from downloaded deb file rm -f /tmp/atom.deb curl -L https://atom.io/download/deb > /tmp/atom.deb dpkg --install /tmp/atom.deb   echo "***** apm upgrade - to ensure we update all apm packages *****" apm upgrade --confirm false  exit 0 

The file atom_update is executable and needs to be called using su:

sudo ./atom_update 

The above works, but nowadays I use the following:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/atom sudo apt -y update sudo apt -y install atom apm install \ file-icons \ tabs-to-spaces \ trailing-spaces \ xml-formatter 

With the above setup

sudo apt -y upgrade 

will update an installed atom to the latest version. The ppa is generally up to date.

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Rudolf Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
