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How to upgrade Appium 1.5.3 to Appium 1.8.1



I have tried with command:

npm -install -g [email protected]

but when I restart Appium, it is still in 1.5.3 version.

like image 728
Learner Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 15:10


People also ask

How do I change my version of Appium?

If you are using Appium.exe, then you can download Appium 1.2. 3 from Appium downloads link to folder (e.g. Appium 1.2. 3) and launch the exe from that folder. Hope this helps.

How do I know what version of Appium I have?

Or by clicking the huge Start Server button inside of Appium Desktop. Appium will now show you a little welcome message showing the version of Appium you're running and what port it's listening on (the default is 4723 ).

1 Answers

There are two different types of appium tool avaliable

  1. Appium GUI
  2. Appium command tool

It seems you updated to the command tool of appium and launch the appium GUI then you are checking the version.

Till now there is no GUI for appium1.6.

If you are checking command tool then there is some issue, you need to uninstall and install appium.

like image 78
Mani Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10
