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How to update the JSPM modules to the latest version?



Does the command jspm install . update the packages to the latest version?

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wonderful world Avatar asked Aug 17 '15 11:08

wonderful world

People also ask

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2 Answers

jspm install installs the latest versions of packages listed in the package.json respecting semver ranges defined in it. Once installed, exact versions numbers(not ranges) are stored in jspm's config.js. The subsequent jspm installs will install specific versions stored in the config.js. To update packages to the latest version (but still within semver ranges defined in the package.json) one has to run jspm update.

See also:

  • JSPM docs - Reproductible installs
  • JSPM docs - Updating packages
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Oleksii Rudenko Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Oleksii Rudenko

yes jspm install installs the latest versions of packages defined in the jspm property of the package.json file.

But it exists a command that updates all packages: jspm update, or only one package: jspm update <package>.

See the documentation here: https://github.com/jspm/jspm-cli/blob/master/docs/installing-packages.md#updating-packages

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GBL Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09