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es6-module default export importing as undefined

I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I'm working on a project using jspm and es6-module-loader. I've got an module defined as follows:

import hooks from './hooks';
import api from './api';
import tools from './tools';

const StencilUtils = {
    hooks: hooks,
    api: api,
    tools: tools,

export {hooks, api, tools};
export default StencilUtils;

/* global define */
(function(root) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define(function() {
            return (root.stencilUtils = StencilUtils);
    } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
        module.exports = StencilUtils;
    } else {
        window.stencilUtils = StencilUtils;

I'm importing this module in another file, and using it like so:

import utils from 'bigcommerce/stencil-utils';

utils.hooks.on('cart-item-add', (event, form) => {
    // do stuff

When the files load, I get an error that utils is undefined. If I change the file to this:

import {hooks} from 'bigcommerce/stencil-utils';

hooks.on('cart-item-add', (event, form) => {
    // do stuff

It works correctly. So, it appears something is not working correctly with the default export statement. Is there something obviously wrong here with the import or export statements that would cause this issue?

like image 419
flyingL123 Avatar asked Mar 30 '16 02:03


People also ask

What is export default in ES6?

Export defaults are used to export a single module, variable, expression, or function from a JavaScript file so that it can be used in any other file of either the same program or even in an entirely different program.

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IIFE is hiddenly executed by a built-in wrapper functionality of Node. JS. When you need this exported one elsewhere, access it with “require” and you will get the same object you exported once.

Why would you create a default export in a module?

Default Exports: Default exports are useful to export only a single object, function, variable. During the import, we can use any name to import.

1 Answers

I think there are two things around this issue:

  1. When you have named exports your access them through either importing as library or with object destruction.

Method 1


export const a = 1;


import {a} from "xyz";

Method 2


export const a = 1;


import {* as myModule} from "xyz";

So in your case

export {hooks, api, tools};

it can be either

import * as utils from 'bigcommerce/stencil-utils';


import {hooks} from 'bigcommerce/stencil-utils';
  1. Default export statement is not proper

It can either be

export default {
    hooks: hooks,
    api: api,
    tools: tools,


const StencilUtils = {
   hooks: hooks,
   api: api,
   tools: tools,
export { StencilUtils as default };

Hope this will help you. For more details see this

like image 96
Yashika Garg Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Yashika Garg