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How to update nested mat-tree dynamically

I have an Angular material component that I am trying to update dynamically with new data.

@ViewChild('tree') tree: MatTree<any>;
treeControl: NestedTreeControl<any>;
dataSource: MatTreeNestedDataSource<any>;
// This does not work

I can change the data source data just fine and it is reflected in the logs, but the tree is never re-rendered this.dataSource.data = newData;

This data is retrieved from an observable and I pass it in every time there is a change.

<mat-tree [dataSource]="dataSource"

What is the easiest way to just pass in brand new data and update the tree?

like image 549
theblindprophet Avatar asked Jun 21 '18 20:06


1 Answers

Can't you just make the dataSource a Subject then when you want to change it call dataSource.next() ?

like image 85
wz2b Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09
