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How to unsupress local echo




I am trying to suppress the local echo of a password in a telnet session by sending 0xFF 0xFD 0x2D (IAC DO SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO). This works fine.

My trouble is enabling the local echo after the password. I am sending 0xFF 0xFE 0x2D (IAC DONT SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO). But I don't see any of my commands that I type afterwards.

I am using the MS Telnet program to connect.

The IAC is describe here.

The Suppress Local Echo is defined here

like image 533
Robert Avatar asked Jul 08 '09 14:07


People also ask

How do I turn on local echo?

Some times you may want to enable local echo if it's turned off. To enable local echo in a terminal, first connect to the host, then enter: "stty echo" command. To disable it, enter: "stty -echo".

What is TELNET echo?

Command Meanings IAC WILL ECHO The sender of this command REQUESTS to begin, or confirms that it will now begin, echoing data characters it receives over the TELNET connection back to the sender of the data characters.

1 Answers

During your telnet sessions in telnet.exe you can pop up the telnet prompt by pressing Ctrl + ]

After that, type "set localecho" or "unset localecho" to switch localecho on or off.

Press Enter to return to your telnet session.

like image 54
Wouter van Nifterick Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 07:10

Wouter van Nifterick