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How to unlock toolbars in Eclipse 4.2 (Juno)

I migrated from Eclipse Indigo (3.7) to Juno (4.2). In Juno all toolbars seem to be permanently locked. Is there a way to unlock them so they could be moved or rearranged?

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curd0 Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 22:07


People also ask

How do I zoom the toolbar in Eclipse?

To increase the font size or to zoom into the source text, starting with Eclipse Neon I use the <CTRL>+<+> shortcut (press the CTRL key in combination with the '+' key). To zoom out and to decrease the font size use the '-' with <CTRL>+<->.

2 Answers

Try Windows- Preferences - Appearance

See the print:

enter image description here

Then type Theme in the Search box (or go General->Appeearance->Theme) and choose Window 7. restart and you'll be able to move the icons/groups in the toolbar (but not get rid of any)

After you're done you'll be asked to restart/ I went to Classsic theme and THEN restarted.

Hope it helps

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Viorel Stolea Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Viorel Stolea

I posted this earlier as a comment to my question, but was suggested that it should be an answer, so here we go:

It has been officially confirmed that the ability to move toolbars (or any trim elements for that matter) is broken in Eclipse Juno. Here's the link to the Bug #340695 for everyone who's interested in tracking this issue. The fix is expected in the Milestone release 4.2.2.

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curd0 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
