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How can I stop the LogCat output from scrolling automatically in Eclipse?

UPDATE: This turned out to be a bug in R14 of the SDK tools. It has been fixed in R15 which was released on Oct/27/2013. Updating to the latest release solves the problem as suggested in the accepted answer.

I use the LogCat window in the Debug view in Eclipse to diagnose and fix crashes in my code. I've noticed that the LogCat output will automatically scroll down anytime new lines are added (but only after you scroll to the bottom yourself).

This is great if I'm waiting for an exception stacktrace to come up, but extremely annoying if I'm trying to read something in the log and more lines are continuing to be added at the bottom (it keeps jumping to the bottom, so I scroll back to the error, then it jumps to the bottom again).

Is there any way to make it stay where I've placed it, when I place it, but continue to scroll automatically when I reach the bottom?

EDIT: Please note, I'm aware of filters and I don't consider this a solution to the problem.

ANOTHER EDIT: If I scroll up "far enough" from the bottom, it stops scrolling automatically. Far enough might be 5 lines or it might be 500 lines, it seems to be related to how many lines are in the log. Ideally, it would stop scrolling as long as I was at least 1 line away from the bottom.

like image 674
howettl Avatar asked Oct 19 '11 23:10


People also ask

How do I pause Logcat?

you just click on the line three times and you can selectd the line , it will stops scrolling. Doesn't work here (1.2. 2).

How do I view Logcat in eclipse?

Go to your desired perspective. Go to 'Window->show view' menu. If you see logcat there, click it and you are done. Else, click on 'other' (at the bottom), chose 'Android'->logcat.

Which class allows display messages on Logcat?

The Log class allows you to create log messages that appear in logcat.

2 Answers

In the LogCat tab on the upper far right there is a down pointing arrow with a line under it to enable

"Scroll Lock"

On older versions it's a pause button to

"Pause receiving new logcat messages"

That should do the trick!

like image 156
Rymnel Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


update to the latest version. the new logcat automatically filters your logs into the app-specific crash logs when you build-launch your app via eclipse.

like image 33
josephus Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
