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How to unit test using patch with a side effect with Pytest parametrize?

I'm trying to test my function that takes in 3 arguments and also contains another function which I'm trying to mock. The issue is that the mock does not cycle through the side effect; I can't 'match' the first set of values I want to test (the first parametrized arguments) with the first value in the side effect; the second set of parametrized arguments with the second value in the side effect and so forth.

I tried to use fixtures and played around with parametrize but to no avail.


# I go through each set of values I want to test with a different expected output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('banner, year, month, expected', [
    ('ctr', 2019, 1, r'A\path\file.csv'),
    ('mks', 2019, 1, r'B\path\file.csv'),
    ('sc', 2019, 1, r'C\path\file.csv'),
    ('atm', 2019, 1, r'D\path\file.csv')
def test_files(mock_directory_path_banner, banner, year, month, expected):
    # the mocked function always returns 'ctr'
    mock_directory_path_banner.side_effect = ['ctr', 'mww', 'fgl', 'fgl']
    result = get_loyalty_sales_files(banner, year, month)
    assert expected == result

In total, there are four tests. The first passes as the parameterized test uses the correct value from the mock (ctr). However the remaining tests all fail because a new mock is not called for each parameterized test. I expect that a new mock is called each time a new parameterized set of values is cycled through, but that's not the case.

like image 694
ShockDoctor Avatar asked Aug 06 '19 17:08


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You want to pass a fixture to parametrize. Suppose that you have a simple function called is_even(n) that returns true if n is divisible by 2. Then you create a simple test for it that receives a fixture named two that returns 2. To make the test more robust, you set up another fixture named four that returns 4.

How does pytest Parametrize work?

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Summary. You can pass arguments to fixtures with the params keyword argument in the fixture decorator, and you can also pass arguments to tests with the @pytest.

1 Answers

In the file with get_loyalty_sales_files you have something like this

import path.to.function.path_formatting

Don't use this in the @patch, instead use the same path as you would import the module locally, and then append the function you want to mock:


More information on how mock.patch works can be found in the mock docs.

like image 181
Василий Ковальченко Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 06:11

Василий Ковальченко