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How to unit test PHP traits

I want to know if there is a solution on how to unit-test a PHP trait.

I know we can test a class which is using the trait, but I was wondering if there are better approaches.

Thanks for any advice in advance :)


One alternative is to use the Trait in the test class itself as I'm going to demonstrate bellow.

But I'm not that keen on this approach since there is no guaranty there are no similar method names between the trait, the class and also the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase (in this example):

Here is an example trait:

trait IndexableTrait {     /** @var int */     private $index;      /**      * @param $index      * @return $this      * @throw \InvalidArgumentException      */     public function setIndex($index)     {         if (false === filter_var($index, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$index must be integer.');         }          $this->index = $index;          return $this;     }      /**      * @return int|null      */     public function getIndex()     {         return $this->index;     } } 

and its test:

class TheAboveTraitTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {     use TheAboveTrait;      public function test_indexSetterAndGetter()     {         $this->setIndex(123);         $this->assertEquals(123, $this->getIndex());     }      public function test_indexIntValidation()     {         $this->setExpectedException(\Exception::class, '$index must be integer.');         $this->setIndex('bad index');     } } 
like image 860
Ali Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 22:06


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The simplest way is to mock the parent class and then do your unit tests on the trait. Or you can make a specific class to implement the trait, solely for unit testing, but that assumes your trait doesn't do anything that interacts with the parent or vice versa.

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1 Answers

You can test a Trait using a similar to testing an Abstract Class' concrete methods.

PHPUnit has a method getMockForTrait which will return an object that uses the trait. Then you can test the traits functions.

Here is the example from the documentation:

<?php trait AbstractTrait {     public function concreteMethod()     {         return $this->abstractMethod();     }      public abstract function abstractMethod(); }  class TraitClassTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {     public function testConcreteMethod()     {         $mock = $this->getMockForTrait('AbstractTrait');          $mock->expects($this->any())              ->method('abstractMethod')              ->will($this->returnValue(TRUE));          $this->assertTrue($mock->concreteMethod());     } } ?> 
like image 76
Schleis Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
