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How to unit test angularjs controller with $location service

I am trying to create a simple unit test that tests my show function.

I get the following error:

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'show' 

It seems like $rootScope isn't the scope of the controller?

Here's my controller:

function OpponentsCtrl($scope, $location) {     $scope.show = function(url) {         $location.path(url);     } } OpponentsCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$location']; 

Here's my controller unit test:

describe('OpponentsCtrl', function() {     beforeEach(module(function($provide) {         $provide.factory('OpponentsCtrl', function($location){             // whatever it does...         });     }));      it('should change location when setting it via show function', inject(function($location, $rootScope, OpponentsCtrl) {         $location.path('/new/path');         $rootScope.$apply();         expect($location.path()).toBe('/new/path');          $rootScope.show('/test');         expect($location.path()).toBe('/test');     })); }); 
like image 247
simonvogensen Avatar asked Dec 01 '12 21:12


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1 Answers

This is how my test ended up working.

describe('OpponentsCtrl', function() {     var scope, rootScope, ctrl, location;      beforeEach(inject(function($location, $rootScope, $controller) {         location = $location;         rootScope = $rootScope;         scope = $rootScope.$new();         ctrl = $controller(OpponentsCtrl, {$scope: scope});     }));      it('should change location when setting it via show function', function() {         location.path('/new/path');         rootScope.$apply();         expect(location.path()).toBe('/new/path');          // test whatever the service should do...         scope.show('/test');         expect(location.path()).toBe('/test');      }); }); 
like image 139
simonvogensen Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11
