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changing order of unit tests in Python

People also ask

Do Python unit tests run in order?

Otherwise unittest handles the test classes and test methods inside the test classes in alphabetical order by default (even when loader.

Do Python unit tests run in parallel?

unittest-parallel is a parallel unit test runner for Python with coverage support. By default, unittest-parallel runs unit tests on all CPU cores available. To run your unit tests with coverage, add either the "--coverage" option (for line coverage) or the "--coverage-branch" for line and branch coverage.

You can change the default sorting behavior by setting a custom comparison function. In unittest.py you can find the class variable unittest.TestLoader.sortTestMethodsUsing which is set to the builtin function cmp by default.

For example you can revert the execution order of your tests with doing this:

import unittest
unittest.TestLoader.sortTestMethodsUsing = lambda _, x, y: cmp(y, x)

Clever Naming.

class Test01_Run_Me_First( unittest.TestCase ):
    def test010_do_this( self ):
        assertTrue( True )
    def test020_do_that( self ):

Is one way to force a specific order.

As said above, normally tests in test cases should be tested in any (i.e. random) order.

However, if you do want to order the tests in the test case, apparently it is not trivial. Tests (method names) are retrieved from test cases using dir(MyTest), which returns a sorted list of members. You can use a clever (?) hack to order methods by their line numbers. This will work for one test case:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
    ln = lambda f: getattr(MyTestCase, f).im_func.func_code.co_firstlineno
    lncmp = lambda a, b: cmp(ln(a), ln(b))
    loader.sortTestMethodsUsing = lncmp
    unittest.main(testLoader=loader, verbosity=2)

There are also test runners which do that by themselves – I think py.test does it.

Use proboscis library as I mentioned already (please see short description there).