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How to unflatten flattened json in C#





from this Answer I learned how to flatten a JSON object in c#. from JSON String:

{"menu": {
  "id": "file",
  "value": "File",
  "popup": {
    "menuitem": [
      {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
      {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
      {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}


The following are lines of strings, not an object


Now, i want to reverse the process. I can found implementations from this question but it is in JavaScript.

How do I unflatten (return structured JSON from lines) it in C# with json.net?

like image 639
Danny Su Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 05:11

Danny Su

People also ask

How do you Unflatten a JSON object?

We can unflatten a flattened JSON object by splitting property paths and then adding them into the unflattened object with a loop.

How do I flatten a JSON response?

Flatten a JSON object: var flatten = (function (isArray, wrapped) { return function (table) { return reduce("", {}, table); }; function reduce(path, accumulator, table) { if (isArray(table)) { var length = table.

What is meant by flattening the JSON file?

Use the Flatten JSON Objects extension to convert a nested data layer object into a new object with only one layer of key/value pairs. For more advanced options in converting a data layer, see the Data Layer Converter.

1 Answers

I managed to solve it out.

Below is my code combined with Sarath Rachuri's flattening code.

I did not test it in too many cases, so it could be buggy.

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace JSONHelper
    class JSONFlattener
        private enum JSONType{
            OBJECT, ARRAY
        public static Dictionary<string, string> Flatten(JObject jsonObject)
            IEnumerable<JToken> jTokens = jsonObject.Descendants().Where(p => p.Count() == 0);
            Dictionary<string, string> results = jTokens.Aggregate(new Dictionary<string, string>(), (properties, jToken) =>
                properties.Add(jToken.Path, jToken.ToString());
                return properties;
            return results;

        public static JObject Unflatten(IDictionary<string, string> keyValues)
            JContainer result = null;
            JsonMergeSettings setting = new JsonMergeSettings();
            setting.MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Merge;
            foreach (var pathValue in keyValues)
                if (result == null)
                    result = UnflatenSingle(pathValue);
                    result.Merge(UnflatenSingle(pathValue), setting);
            return result as JObject;

        private static JContainer UnflatenSingle(KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValue)
            string path = keyValue.Key;
            string value = keyValue.Value;
            var pathSegments = SplitPath(path);

            JContainer lastItem = null;
            //build from leaf to root
            foreach (var pathSegment in pathSegments.Reverse())
                var type = GetJSONType(pathSegment);
                switch (type)
                    case JSONType.OBJECT:
                        var obj = new JObject();
                        if (null == lastItem)
                        lastItem = obj;
                    case JSONType.ARRAY:
                        var array = new JArray();
                        int index = GetArrayIndex(pathSegment);
                        array = FillEmpty(array, index);
                        if (lastItem == null)
                            array[index] = value;
                            array[index] = lastItem;
                        lastItem = array;
            return lastItem;

        public static IList<string> SplitPath(string path){
            IList<string> result = new List<string>();
            Regex reg = new Regex(@"(?!\.)([^. ^\[\]]+)|(?!\[)(\d+)(?=\])");
            foreach (Match match in reg.Matches(path))
            return result;

        private static JArray FillEmpty(JArray array, int index)
            for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++)
            return array;

        private static JSONType GetJSONType(string pathSegment)
            int x;
            return int.TryParse(pathSegment, out x) ? JSONType.ARRAY : JSONType.OBJECT;

        private static int GetArrayIndex(string pathSegment)
            int result;
            if (int.TryParse(pathSegment, out result))
                return result;
            throw new Exception("Unable to parse array index: " + pathSegment);

like image 161
Danny Su Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Danny Su