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How to uncommit in github for mac?

I'm using github for mac, the GUI for git that github provides, and I reverted a commit in the history. I then decided I wanted to revert that again, and.... long story short, I have a bunch of reverts that are unnecessary and don't want to sync that with github, but they are automatically committed so the only option I have is to sync.

Is there no way to just ignore those changes?

like image 912
GiH Avatar asked May 23 '12 17:05


1 Answers

Looks like there is currently no way via the GUI... Hopefully the good guys at Github will see this and take it as a feature suggestion.

For now we can only do as Tass suggested in the comment above. git reset <commit you want to reset to>

like image 166
GiH Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09