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How to type pipe function using variadic tuple types in TypeScript 4?



The example of the release notes of TypeScript 4 shows how to use variadic tuple types to avoid several overload definitions. I guess it should be possible to type this pipe function for an arbitrary amount of arguments

type F<P, R> = (p: P) => R

type Pipe2<T1, T2, R> = [F<T1, T2>, F<T2, R>]
type Pipe3<T1, T2, T3, R> = [F<T1, T2>, ...Pipe2<T2, T3, R>]
type Pipe4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R> = [F<T1, T2>, ...Pipe3<T2, T3, T4, R>]

function pipe<T1, R>(f1: F<T1, R>): F<T1, R>
function pipe<T1, T2, R>(...fns: Pipe2<T1, T2, R>): F<T1, R>
function pipe<T1, T2, T3, R>(...fns: Pipe3<T1, T2, T3, R>): F<T1, R>
function pipe<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>(...fns: Pipe4<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>): F<T1, R>
function pipe(...fns) {
  return x => fns.reduce((res, f) => f(res), x)

A basic start could be

function pipe<Fns>(...fns: PipeArgs<Fns>): PipeReturn<Fns>
function pipe(...fns) {
  return x => fns.reduce((res, f) => f(res), x)

where the definitions of helper types PipeArgs<Fns> and PipeReturn<Fns> are yet missing. How can they be defined or is there another approach?

Edit: I'm not so confident anymore that it can be done, yet (TypeScript 4.1.2). The main issue are the rest parameters. The (tuple) type of the rest parameters fns of pipe has to be inferred, but a specific (circular?) structure has to be ensured. Here is my current approach (with a working PipeReturn<Fns>)

type AssertReturn<E, _A extends E, R> = R

type Return<F> =
    F extends ((...args: any[]) => infer R)
        ? R
        : never

type Length<L extends any[]> = L['length']

type Tail<L extends any[]> =
    L extends readonly [any, ...infer LTail]
        ? LTail
        : L

type Last<L extends any[]> = L[Length<Tail<L>>]

type F<P, R> = (p: P) => R

type PipeArgs<Fns> =
    Fns extends readonly [F<infer X, infer Y>, ...infer T]
        ? T extends readonly [F<any, any>, ...any]
            ? [F<X, Y>, ...PipeArgs<T>]
            : T extends readonly []
                ? [F<X, Y>]
                : never
        : never

type PipeReturn<Fns extends F<any, any>[]> =
    Fns extends readonly [F<infer I, infer O>, ...infer T]
        ? T extends readonly [F<any, any>, ...any]
            ? F<I, Return<Last<T>>>
            : F<I, O>
        : never

Before I show the signatures of pipe that I tried, but are not working, I show some tests/examples and their expected behaviour

declare const a: any

const ae_pass_1: number = a as AssertReturn<number, number, number>
const ae_pass_2: string = a as AssertReturn<number, number, string>
// Expected compile error:
//   Type 'string' does not satisfy the constraint 'number'.
//                                                    V
const ae_pass_3: string = a as AssertReturn<number, string, string>
// Expected compile error:
//   Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
//            V
const ae_fail_returnType: number = a as AssertReturn<number, number, string>

declare const pr1: PipeReturn<[F<number, string>]>
const pr1_pass: F<number, string> = pr1
// Expected compile error:
//   Type 'F<number, string>' is not assignable to type 'F<number, boolean>'.
//       V
const pr1_fail: F<number, boolean> = pr1

declare const pr2: PipeReturn<[F<number, string>, F<string, boolean>]>
const pr2_pass: F<number, boolean> = pr2
// Expected compile error:
//   Type 'F<number, boolean>' is not assignable to type 'F<number, string>'.
//       V
const pr2_fail: F<number, string> = pr2

declare const pa1: PipeArgs<[F<number, string>]>
const pa1_pass: [F<number, string>] = pa1
// Expected compile error:
//   Type '[F<number, string>]' is not assignable to type '[F<number, boolean>]'.
//       V
const pa1_fail: [F<number, boolean>] = pa1

declare const pa2: PipeArgs<[F<number, string>, F<string, boolean>]>
const pa2_pass: [F<number, string>, F<string, boolean>] = pa2
// Expected compile error:
//   Type '[F<number, string>, F<string, boolean>]' is not assignable to type '[F<number, string>, F<number, boolean>]'.
//       V
const pa2_fail: [F<number, string>, F<number, boolean>] = pa2

declare const numberToString: F<number, string>
declare const stringToBoolean: F<string, boolean>

// no compile error expected
const pipe_pass: F<number, boolean> =
    pipe<[F<number, string>, F<string, boolean>]>(numberToString, stringToBoolean)
// no compile error expected
const pipe_pass_argTypeInfered: F<number, boolean> =
    pipe(numberToString, stringToBoolean)
// assignment should cause compile error since second function should expect
// string as parameter, but actually expects number:
//   Type 'F<number, boolean>' is not assignable to type 'F<number, string>'.
//             V
const pipe_fail_returnType: F<number, string> =
    pipe(numberToString, stringToBoolean)
// pipe call should cause compile error since second function should expect
// string as parameter, but actually expects number
// Expected compile error should be something like:
//   Type 'F<number, string>' is not assignable to type 'F<string, T>'.
//                                                                   V
const pipe_fail_args: F<number, string> = pipe(numberToString, numberToString)

In the following the different pipe signatures and what test/example fails (is not as expected)

function pipe<Fns extends F<any, any>[]>(...fns: PipeArgs<Fns>): PipeReturn<Fns>
const pipe_pass_argTypeInfered: F<number, boolean> =
//  but
//    Argument of type 'F<number, string>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.(2345)
//    The call would have succeeded against this implementation, but implementation signatures of overloads are not externally visible.
//             V
    pipe(numberToString, stringToBoolean)

Add Fns & compared to previous approach

function pipe<Fns extends F<any, any>[]>(...fns: Fns & PipeArgs<Fns>): PipeReturn<Fns>

fixes previous error, but does not cause this expected error

// pipe call should cause compile error since second function should expect
// string as parameter, but actually expects number
// Expected compile error should be something like:
//   Type 'F<number, string>' is not assignable to type 'F<string, T>'.
//                                                                   V
const pipe_fail_args: F<number, string> = pipe(numberToString, numberToString)

Another idea is to assert in the return type that Fns has the expected structure, but this definition has an error itself

//   Type 'Fns' does not satisfy the constraint 'PipeArgs<Fns>'.
//   Type 'F<any, any>[]' is not assignable to type 'PipeArgs<Fns>'.
//                                                                                  V
function pipe<Fns extends F<any, any>[]>(...fns: Fns): AssertReturn<PipeArgs<Fns>, Fns, PipeReturn<Fns>>

Edit 2: By the way, the library ts-toolbelt has several type definitions to type your pipe function up to 10 arguments (not an arbitrary amount of arguments).

like image 463
maiermic Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 03:11


2 Answers

Seems, Anders comment is obsolete.

type Foo = typeof foo
type Bar = typeof bar
type Baz = typeof baz

type Fn = (a: any) => any

type Head<T extends any[]> = T extends [infer H, ...infer _] ? H : never

type Last<T extends any[]> = T extends [infer _]
  ? never
  : T extends [...infer _, infer Tl]
  ? Tl
  : never

type Allowed<T extends Fn[], Cache extends Fn[] = []> = T extends []
  ? Cache
  : T extends [infer Lst]
  ? Lst extends Fn
    ? Allowed<[], [...Cache, Lst]>
    : never
  : T extends [infer Fst, ...infer Lst]
  ? Fst extends Fn
    ? Lst extends Fn[]
      ? Head<Lst> extends Fn
        ? ReturnType<Fst> extends Head<Parameters<Head<Lst>>>
          ? Allowed<Lst, [...Cache, Fst]>
          : never
        : never
      : never
    : never
  : never

type FirstParameterOf<T extends Fn[]> = Head<T> extends Fn
  ? Head<Parameters<Head<T>>>
  : never

type Return<T extends Fn[]> = Last<T> extends Fn ? ReturnType<Last<T>> : never

function pipe<
  T extends Fn,
  Fns extends T[],
  Allow extends {
    0: [never]
    1: [FirstParameterOf<Fns>]
  }[Allowed<Fns> extends never ? 0 : 1]
>(...args: [...Fns]): (...data: Allow) => Return<Fns>

function pipe<T extends Fn, Fns extends T[], Allow extends unknown[]>(
  ...args: [...Fns]
) {
  return (...data: Allow) => args.reduce((acc, elem) => elem(acc), data)

const foo = (arg: string) => [1, 2, 3]
const baz = (arg: number[]) => 42

const bar = (arg: number) => ['str']

const check = pipe(foo, baz, bar)('hello') // string[]
const check3 = pipe(baz, bar)([2]) // string[]
const check2 = pipe(baz, bar)('hello') // expected error


There is also a nice fnts library which uses Compose type with better error handling

like image 55
captain-yossarian Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


I had to solve a very similar problem today. I think I came up with a decently simple-feeling solution.

// Gets last type in a tuple of types
type Last<T extends readonly any[]> = T extends readonly [...any[], infer F]
    ? F
    : never;

// Loose*<T> gives never if T isn't valid, rather than constraining T
type LooseParameters<T> = T extends (...args: infer Args) => any ? Args : never;
type LooseReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : never;
type LooseSetReturnType<NewType, T> = T extends (...args: infer Args) => any
    ? (...args: Args) => NewType
    : never;

 * Gives T if T is a valid pipeline.
 * Tries to give what T should be if not. Example:
 * Pipeline<[(f: any) => number, (f: number[]) => any]> =
 *    [(f: any) => number[], (f: number[]) => any]
 * Notice that only the return type of the first function has changed.
type LoosePipeline<T extends readonly any[]> = T extends readonly [
    infer A,
    infer B,
    ...infer Rest
    ? readonly [
          LooseSetReturnType<LooseParameters<B>[0], A>,
          ...LoosePipeline<readonly [B, ...Rest]>
    : readonly [...T];

function pipe<T extends readonly ((arg: any, ...args: undefined[]) => any)[]>(
    ...pipeline: LoosePipeline<T>
) {
    return (arg: Parameters<T[0]>[0]): LooseReturnType<Last<T>> =>
        pipeline.reduce<any>((acc, elem) => elem(acc), arg);

const foo = (arg: string) => [arg.length];
const baz = (arg: number[]) => Math.max(...arg);
const bar = (arg: number) => [arg.toString()];

const check: string[] = pipe(foo, baz, bar)("hello");
const check2: string[] = pipe(baz, bar)([2]);

// @ts-expect-error
const check3 = pipe(baz, bar)("hello");
like image 38
johncs Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
