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Skaffold syncs files but pod doesn't refresh

Kubernetes newbie here.

I have some strange Skaffold/Kubernetes behavior. I'm working in Google Cloud but I've changed to the local environment just for test and it's the same. So probably it's me how's doing something wrong. The problem is that though I see Skaffold syncing changes these changes aren't reflected. All the files inside the pods are the old ones.


apiVersion: skaffold/v2alpha3
kind: Config
      - ./infra/k8s/*
  # local:
  #   push: false
    projectId: ts-maps-286111
    - image: us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/auth
      context: auth
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - src: 'src/**/*.ts'
            dest: .
    - image: us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/client
      context: client
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - src: '**/*.js'
            dest: .
    - image: us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/tickets
      context: tickets
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - src: 'src/**/*.ts'
            dest: .
    - image: us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/orders
      context: orders
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - src: 'src/**/*.ts'
            dest: .
    - image: us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/expiration
      context: expiration
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
          - src: 'src/**/*.ts'
            dest: .

When a file inside one of the directories is changed I see following logs:

time="2020-09-05T01:24:06+03:00" level=debug msg="Change detected notify.Write: \"F:\\projects\\lrn_microservices\\complex\\expiration\\src\\index.ts\""
time="2020-09-05T01:24:06+03:00" level=debug msg="Change detected notify.Write: \"F:\\projects\\lrn_microservices\\complex\\expiration\\src\\index.ts\""
time="2020-09-05T01:24:06+03:00" level=debug msg="Change detected notify.Write: \"F:\\projects\\lrn_microservices\\complex\\expiration\\src\\index.ts\""
time="2020-09-05T01:24:06+03:00" level=debug msg="Change detected notify.Write: \"F:\\projects\\lrn_microservices\\complex\\expiration\\src\\index.ts\""
time="2020-09-05T01:24:06+03:00" level=debug msg="Change detected notify.Write: \"F:\\projects\\lrn_microservices\\complex\\expiration\\src\\index.ts\""
time="2020-09-05T01:24:06+03:00" level=debug msg="Change detected notify.Write: \"F:\\projects\\lrn_microservices\\complex\\expiration\\src\\index.ts\""
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Found dependencies for dockerfile: [{package.json /app true} {. /app true}]"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Skipping excluded path: node_modules"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Found dependencies for dockerfile: [{package.json /app true} {. /app true}]"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Skipping excluded path: .next"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Skipping excluded path: node_modules"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Found dependencies for dockerfile: [{package.json /app true} {. /app true}]"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Skipping excluded path: node_modules"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Found dependencies for dockerfile: [{package.json /app true} {. /app true}]"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Skipping excluded path: node_modules"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Found dependencies for dockerfile: [{package.json /app true} {. /app true}]"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Skipping excluded path: node_modules"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=info msg="files modified: [expiration\\src\\index.ts]"
Syncing 1 files for us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/expiration:2aae7ff-dirty@sha256:2e31caedf3d9b2bcb2ea5693f8e22478a9d6caa21d1a478df5ff8ebcf562573e
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=info msg="Copying files: map[expiration\\src\\index.ts:[/app/src/index.ts]] to us.gcr.io/ts-maps-286111/expiration:2aae7ff-dirty@sha256:2e31caedf3d9b2bcb2ea5693f8e22478a9d6caa21d1a478df5ff8ebcf562573e"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="getting client config for kubeContext: ``"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:07+03:00" level=debug msg="Running command: [kubectl --context gke_ts-maps-286111_europe-west3-a_ticketing-dev exec expiration-depl-5cb997d597-p49lv --namespace default -c expiration -i -- tar xmf - -C / --no-same-owner]"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:09+03:00" level=debug msg="Command output: [], stderr: tar: removing leading '/' from member names\n"
Watching for changes...
time="2020-09-05T01:24:11+03:00" level=info msg="Streaming logs from pod: expiration-depl-5cb997d597-p49lv container: expiration"
time="2020-09-05T01:24:11+03:00" level=debug msg="Running command: [kubectl --context gke_ts-maps-286111_europe-west3-a_ticketing-dev logs --since=114s -f expiration-depl-5cb997d597-p49lv -c expiration --namespace default]"
[expiration] > [email protected] start /app
[expiration] > ts-node-dev --watch src src/index.ts
[expiration] ts-node-dev ver. 1.0.0-pre.62 (using ts-node ver. 8.10.2, typescript ver. 3.9.7)
[expiration] starting expiration!kdd
[expiration] Connected to NATS!

NodeJS server inside the pod restarts. Sometimes I see this line, sometimes not, the result overall is the same

[expiration] [INFO] 22:23:42 Restarting: src/index.ts has been modified

But there are no changes made. If I cat the changed file inside a pod it's the old version, if I delete a pod it starts again with an old version.

My folder structure:

|   \---src
|       +---models
|       +---routes
|       |   \---__test__
|       +---services
|       \---test
|   +---.next
|   |   +---cache
|   |   |   \---next-babel-loader
|   |   +---server
|   |   |   \---pages
|   |   |       +---auth
|   |   |       \---next
|   |   |           \---dist
|   |   |               \---pages
|   |   \---static
|   |       +---chunks
|   |       |   \---pages
|   |       |       +---auth
|   |       |       \---next
|   |       |           \---dist
|   |       |               \---pages
|   |       +---development
|   |       \---webpack
|   |           \---pages
|   |               \---auth
|   +---api
|   +---components
|   +---hooks
|   \---pages
|       \---auth
|   +---build
|   |   +---errors
|   |   +---events
|   |   |   \---types
|   |   \---middlewares
|   \---src
|       +---errors
|       +---events
|       |   \---types
|       \---middlewares
|   \---src
|       +---events
|       |   +---listeners
|       |   \---publishers
|       +---queue
|       \---__mocks__
|   \---k8s
|   \---src
|       +---events
|       |   +---listeners
|       |   |   \---__test__
|       |   \---publishers
|       +---models
|       +---routes
|       |   \---__test__
|       +---test
|       \---__mocks__
        |   +---listeners
        |   |   \---__test__
        |   \---publishers
        |   \---__test__
        |   \---__test__

Would be grateful for any help!

like image 729
Satorik Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 05:11


2 Answers

For your start script try to add --poll. For example if you start script is "start" : "nodemon src/index.js", change it to "nodemon --poll src/index.js"

like image 127
Aidenhsy Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


What worked for me was using --poll flag with ts-node-dev. My script looks like this

"start" : "ts-node-dev --respawn --poll --inspect --exit-child src/index.ts
like image 28
Imanpal Singh Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Imanpal Singh