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How to turn on/off wifi hotspot programmatically in Android 8.0 (Oreo)

I know how to turn on/off wifi hot spot using reflection in android using below method.

private static boolean changeWifiHotspotState(Context context,boolean enable) {
        try {
            WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
            Method method = manager.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setWifiApEnabled", WifiConfiguration.class,
            WifiConfiguration configuration = enable ? getWifiApConfiguration(manager) : null;
            boolean isSuccess = (Boolean) method.invoke(manager, configuration, enable);
            return isSuccess;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;

But the above method is not working Android 8.0(Oreo).

When I execute above method in Android 8.0, I am getting below statement in logcat.

com.gck.dummy W/WifiManager: com.gck.dummy attempted call to setWifiApEnabled: enabled = true

Is there any other way to on/off hotspot on android 8.0

like image 467
Chandrakanth Avatar asked Aug 31 '17 14:08


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How to turn on/off WiFi hotspot programmatically in Android 8?

How to turn on/off wifi hotspot programmatically in Android 8.0 (Oreo) onStarted(WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation reservation) method will be called if hotspot is turned on.. Using WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation reference you call close() method to turn off hotspot. Share Improve this answer Follow

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You can just use the public exposed API by android i.e. startLocalOnlyHotspot. It turns on a local hotspot without internet access. Which thus can be used to host a server or transfer files. It requires Manifest.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permissions.

2 Answers

I thought the LocalOnlyHotspot route was the way to, but as @edsappfactory.com said in the comments - it only gives closed network, no internet access.

In Oreo hot-spotting/tethering moved to ConnectionManager, and its annotated @SystemApi, so (nominally) inaccessible.

As part of something else I was doing, I made an app and put it on github here. It uses reflection to get at the function and DexMaker to generate a subclass of ConnectionManager.OnStartTetheringCallback (which is also inaccessible).

Think it all works okay - bit rough around the edges, so please feel free to make better!

Relevant bits of code are in:

  • MyOreoWifiManager and;
  • CallbackMaker

I lost patience trying to get my DexMaker-generated callback to fire the MyOnStartTetheringCallback so all that code is in disarray and commented out.

like image 112
Jon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09


Finally I got the solution. Android 8.0, they provided public api to turn on/off hotspot. WifiManager

Below is the code to turn on hotspot

private WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation mReservation;

@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
private void turnOnHotspot() {
    WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);

    manager.startLocalOnlyHotspot(new WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotCallback() {

        public void onStarted(WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation reservation) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Wifi Hotspot is on now");
            mReservation = reservation;

        public void onStopped() {
            Log.d(TAG, "onStopped: ");

        public void onFailed(int reason) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onFailed: ");
    }, new Handler());

private void turnOffHotspot() {
    if (mReservation != null) {

onStarted(WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation reservation) method will be called if hotspot is turned on.. Using WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation reference you call close() method to turn off hotspot.

Note: To turn on hotspot, the Location(GPS) should be enabled in the device. Otherwise, it will throw SecurityException

like image 25
Chandrakanth Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
