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How to trigger link hover state when hovering over its parent LI. jQuery




I'm trying to trigger a hover state on a text link when hovering over its parent li. Is this possible in CSS and secondly, am I missing something with .children that would solve this issue. Here's the HTML:

<li class="video-1">                                    
  <a href="#"><img src="images/csi-1.gif" alt="csi-1" width="140" height="80" /></a>
  <h3 class="show-title"><a href="#">Show TItle</a></h3>
  <h3 class="ep-name"><a href="#">Episode Name</a></h3>
  <h4 class="season-info">Season 4 | Ep 10<span class="more"><a href="#">See More</a></span></h4>


And the JS:


$(".video-1").hover(function () {
$(".video-1:hover h3.show-title a").css('color', '#006699'),function() {
    $(this).css("color", "#fff");

like image 927
David Fung Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 01:08

David Fung

2 Answers

You can do hover effects with just CSS like this (in your stylesheet):

.video-1 .more { display: none }
.video-1:hover h3.show-title a { color: #006699 }
.video-1:hover .more { display: block }

No JS needed at all unless you need to support IE6 which only supports :hover on a elements.


You could add something like this to your HTML if you need to also support IE6:

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  jQuery(function ($) {
    $('#video-1').hover(function () {
    }, function () {

Then adjust the CSS like this:

#video-1 .more { display: none }
#video-1:hover h3.show-title a, #video-1.hover h3.show-title a { color: #006699 }
#video-1:hover .more, #video-1.hover .more { display: block }

And finally, change your original HTML from a class to an id since IE6 doesn't support chained class names in CSS:

<li id="video-1">
like image 84
Doug Neiner Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Doug Neiner

.video-1 .more { display: none }
.video-1:hover .more { display: block; z-index:10 }

z-index will ensure contents displayed above all elements on page

like image 33
Mayur Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
