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jQuery: Is it possible to assign a DOM element to a variable for later use?

I'm working on a project that is using jQuery, which I'm much more familiar with Mootools.

I'll start with my code first.

var customNamespace = {
    status: 'closed',
    popup: $('#popup'),

    showPopup: function() {
        // ...  



My goal is to not have jQuery traverse the DOM everytime I want to do something with the #popup div, so I wanted to save it to a variable to use it throughout my script.

When the page loads, the console prints out the object 3 times as I would expect, so I assumed that for each method, the fadeIn would just work. But it doesn't, only


Actually fades in the div.

Even if I remove my namespace hash, and just save the object to a global variable, and do a

var globalVariable = $('#popup');

Also does not work as I thought it would. Can jQuery do what I am trying to do?

like image 321
Braxo Avatar asked Apr 23 '10 15:04


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Answer: Use the jQuery append() or prepend() method You can add or insert elements to DOM using the jQuery append() or prepend() methods. The jQuery append() method insert content to end of matched elements, whereas the prepend() method insert content to the beginning of matched elements.

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If you have a variable containing a DOM element, and want to select elements related to that DOM element, simply wrap it in a jQuery object. var myDomElement = document. getElementById( "foo" ); // A plain DOM element. $( myDomElement ).

How do I add a DOM element?

To add a new element to the HTML DOM, you must create the element (element node) first, and then append it to an existing element.

What is the difference between jQuery elements and DOM elements?

A DOM element represents a visual or functional element on the page which was created from the original HTML document. jQuery now is a Javascript library that makes manipulating the DOM easier than with pure Javascript by offering a number of convenience shortcuts.

2 Answers

You want to be careful that the DOM is actually loaded before you run your selector and assign it to the variable, but otherwise you can store a reference to a DOM element in a variable with no problems.

var globalVariable;

    globalVariable = $('#popup');

like image 173
tvanfosson Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10


Where are you assigning your global variables?

If it is outside the document.ready declaration, then you may well be assigning it something that has not been loaded.

Try this:

    var customNamespace = { 
        status: 'closed', 
        popup: $('#popup'), 

        showPopup: function() { 
            // ...   


What happens when you try to output .length? :

like image 42
James Wiseman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

James Wiseman