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How to trick boost::asio to allow move-only handlers

In a RPC communication protocol, after the invocation of a method I'm sending "done" messages back to the caller. Since the methods are invoked in a concurrent fashion, the buffer containing the response (a std::string) needs to be protected by a mutex. What I'm trying to achieve is the following:

void connection::send_response()
    // block until previous response is sent
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(response_mutex_);

    // prepare response
    response_ = "foo";

    // send response back to caller. move the unique_lock into the binder
    // to keep the mutex locked until asio is done sending.
                      asio::const_buffers_1(response_.data(), response_.size()),
                      std::bind(&connection::response_sent, shared_from_this(),
                                _1, _2, std::move(locker))

void connection::response_sent(const boost::system::error_code& err, std::size_t len)
    if (err) handle_error(err);
    // the mutex is unlocked when the binder is destroyed

However, this fails to compile, since boost::asio requires handlers to be CopyConstructible.

The problem can be worked around (albeit not very elegantly) by using the following shared locker class instead of unique_lock:

template <typename Mutex>
class shared_lock
    shared_lock(Mutex& m)
    : p_(&m, std::mem_fn(&Mutex::unlock))
    { m.lock(); }

    std::shared_ptr<Mutex> p_;

What is the reasoning behind boost::asio not allowing move-only handlers?

like image 688
marton78 Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 10:06


1 Answers

Until Chris Kohlhoff responds to the bug I've filed, here's a simple workaround:

template <typename F>
struct move_wrapper : F
    move_wrapper(F&& f) : F(std::move(f)) {}

    move_wrapper(move_wrapper&&) = default;
    move_wrapper& operator=(move_wrapper&&) = default;

    move_wrapper(const move_wrapper&);
    move_wrapper& operator=(const move_wrapper&);

template <typename T>
auto move_handler(T&& t) -> move_wrapper<typename std::decay<T>::type>
    return std::move(t);

The wrapper declares a copy constructor, tricking asio's machinery into submission, but never defines it, so that copying would result in a linking error.

Now one can finally do this:

std::packaged_task<int()> pt([] {
    return 42;
std::future<int> fu = pt.get_future();

boost::asio::io_service io;
std::thread(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io).detach();

int result = fu.get();
assert(result == 42);
like image 107
marton78 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
