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How To translate "No Rows To Show" message in ag-grid?



How to translate "No Rows To Show" message in ag-grid based on the user selected language?

I tired something like this.

gridOptions: GridOptions = <GridOptions> {
        rowSelection: 'single',
        enableColResize: true,
        enableSorting: true,
        enableFilter: true,
        suppressCellSelection: true,

        overlayNoRowsTemplate: '<span style="padding: 10px; border: 2px solid #444; background: lightgoldenrodyellow;">'+.......+'</span>'

I need to add some thing at that .... place.

like image 321
nikesh Avatar asked Nov 03 '16 17:11


2 Answers

According to the internationalization section you should be able to just specify this value into the gridOptions like so:

gridOptions: GridOptions = <GridOptions> {
        rowSelection: 'single',
        enableColResize: true,
        enableSorting: true,
        enableFilter: true,
        suppressCellSelection: true,

        localeText: {noRowsToShow: 'No hay nada'}

That is in general how to tackle I18N for ag-grid.

More specifically to what you asked in regards to how to control this behavoir based on user selected language you would have to do something more like this (I am assuming you have some variable already set up that holds the selected language):

function internationalization (){
    return selectedLanguageVariable === 'es'/*or whatever code you use for spanish*/ ? {noRowsToShow: 'No hay nada'} : {noRowsToShow: 'No Rows'}

gridOptions: GridOptions = <GridOptions> {
    rowSelection: 'single',
    enableColResize: true,
    enableSorting: true,
    enableFilter: true,
    suppressCellSelection: true,

    localeText: internationalization()
like image 116
Jarod Moser Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 09:11

Jarod Moser

Put this params in the grid HTML:

[overlayNoRowsTemplate] = "overlayNoRowsTemplate";

Declare in class:

private overlayNoRowsTemplate;

And call in constructor

this.overlayNoRowsTemplate = "<span>This is a custom 'no rows' overlay</span>";
like image 41
Ricardo Sena Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 10:11

Ricardo Sena