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How to test not equal with matcher in flutter

I'm doing testing on render objects in Flutter. I'd like to check for inequality like this (simplified):

testWidgets('render object heights not equal', (WidgetTester tester) async {    final renderObjectOneHeight = 10;   final renderObjectTwoHeight = 11;    expect(renderObjectOneHeight, notEqual(renderObjectTwoHeight)); }); 

I made up notEqual because it doesn't exist. This doesn't work either:

  • !equals

I found a solution that works so I am posting my answer below Q&A style. I welcome any better solutions, though.

like image 561
Suragch Avatar asked Nov 29 '19 08:11


1 Answers

You can use isNot() to negate the equals() matcher.

final x = 1; final y = 2;  expect(x, isNot(equals(y))); 

Or as mentioned in the comments:

expect(x != y, true) 

That actually seems a bit more readable to me.

like image 98
Suragch Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09
