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How to test JDBI DAO's with H2-in-memory database?

I'm using Dropwizard framework with JDBI and h2-in-memory for my test purposes. Also I've written my DAOs, and now I want to test them with unit tests. I came along the DBUnit which seem to fit my requirements.

But how to integrate it with JDBI and fill it with test data?

like image 983
VanDavv Avatar asked Mar 06 '16 09:03


People also ask

Why h2 is not used in production?

The main reasons not to use H2 (or HSQLDB, or Derby) for production are: Probability of critical bugs: compared to the 'big' databases Oracle, IBM DB 2, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, the Java databases are relatively new and therefore possibly not as stable (have bugs).

What is JDBI?

Jdbi is an open source Java library (Apache license) that uses lambda expressions and reflection to provide a friendlier, higher level interface than JDBC to access the database.

1 Answers

I implemented it like this:

I created a base dao class that sets up my DW environment to build a DBI instance for me. This looks like that:

    public static void setup() {
        env = new Environment( "test-env", Jackson.newObjectMapper(), null, new MetricRegistry(), null );
        dbi = new DBIFactory().build( env, getDataSourceFactory(), "test" );
        dbi.registerArgumentFactory(new JodaDateTimeArgumentFactory());
        dbi.registerMapper(new JodaDateTimeMapper(Optional.absent()));

    static DataSourceFactory getDataSourceFactory()
        DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DataSourceFactory();
        dataSourceFactory.setDriverClass( "org.h2.Driver" );
        dataSourceFactory.setUrl( "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb" );
        dataSourceFactory.setUser( "sa" );
        dataSourceFactory.setPassword( "" );
        return dataSourceFactory;

    public static DBI getDbi() {
        return dbi;

    public static Environment getEnvironment() {
        return env;

Not this will create a Datasource for you pointing to your in-memory database.

No in the actual test you can use the DBI instance to create your DAOs before the test:

DaoA dao;
DaoB otherDao;

public void setupTests() throws IOException {
    dao = dbi.onDemand(DaoA.class);
    otherDao = dbi.onDemand(DaoB.class);

With this your good to go and you can start testing. Hope that helps.


Edit for init:

My tests initialise themselves as well. For that I use dbi directly to execute sql scripts. For example, a test is associated with a test1.sql script that is a test classpath resource. In that case, all I need to do is read that script and run it before the test. For example like this:

            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            InputStream resourceStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sql/schema.sql");
            if(resourceStream == null ) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("schema not found");
            IOUtils.copy(resourceStream, writer);
            Handle handle = null;
            try {
                handle = dbi.open();
            } finally {
                if(resourceStream != null) {
like image 75
pandaadb Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09
