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How to test in IE with Linux

Normally I have two computers to work on - my development machine, running Ubuntu, and a testing machine that has Windows. The testing machine is in surgery, and I need to be able to test in IE8. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to run under wine. I've tried the IE NetRenderer add-on for Firefox, but all it does is take a screenshot of the page. I have dynamic code (ajax) that I need to be able to test.

Any ideas?

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EmmyS Avatar asked Sep 13 '10 14:09


People also ask

How do I test IE?

Test IE allows you to preview and test websites in all versions of Edge and Internet Explorer (IE6 - IE11). Just click on the extension from the Chrome toolbar, select the Internet Explorer version of your choice, and jumpstart a test session in Browser Live.

Is there Internet Explorer for Linux?

It is called Ies4linux. IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux (or any OS running Wine).

Can we install Internet Explorer on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu's default web browser is Mozilla Firefox. Some web sites require Internet Explorer for full functionality, and it is possible to make the browser claim to be Internet Explorer. To install Internet Explorer you will need to install two components first, Wine and cab extract.

How to test internet connection on Linux with Curl command?

Test Internet connection on Linux with curl command In case that you can see the website on your browser or received the 200 OK when using the curl command you might be happy to know that your Internet connection test was successful and you are connected to the Internet.

How to test if the internet connection is working?

For example try to use curl command from your terminal: In case that you can see the website on your browser or received the 200 OK when using the curl command you might be happy to know that your Internet connection test was successful and you are connected to the Internet.

Are your Internet Explorer emulators showing the wrong results?

Internet Explorer emulators do not always show correct results. Test on real IE browsers, running on a real Windows operating system. No Emulators, Simulators or Virtual Machines, try TestingBot and get instant access to a real IE browser. Perform geolocation testing in various regions across the world.

What is an Internet Explorer emulator?

An Internet Explorer emulator acts as if it is an Internet Explorer browser. It tries to help developers and testers to test their websites on Internet Explorer. Because this is an emulator, it is not accurate enough to use this for testing. TestingBot recommends using its IE browsers running on real desktops, no emulator.

3 Answers

Don't bother trying to run it under Wine - such a test would be invalid anyway.

Just install Windows in a VM. It's easy.

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MarkR Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 05:10


I'm on linux and using VirtualBox and various Windows images sourced from https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/

They're supplying old windows versions with updated license which super seeds the default. Meaning you can restore an image back to its 30 day trail indefinitely.

I use the same system at work on OSX

EDIT: The original answer was referencing this page with the images: http://www.modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools#downloads

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Lex Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 05:10


I've used this website very sparingly (when I didn't have a Windows machine with IE Tester). It eventually costs a subscription fee, but you can do a free trial, as well.


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abrown25 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 04:10
