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How to test for the class of a variable in Swift?




I want to check if the elements of an Array are a subclass of UILabel in Swift:

import UIKit  var u1 = UILabel() u1.text="hello" var u2 = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 20)) var u3 = UITableView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 20, 200, 80))  var myArray = [u1, u2, u3]  var onlyUILabels = myArray.filter({"what to put here?"}) 

Without bridging to objective-c.

like image 734
ielyamani Avatar asked Jun 07 '14 13:06


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1 Answers

Swift has the is operator to test the type of a value:

var onlyUILabels = myArray.filter { $0 is UILabel } 

As a side note, this will still produce an Array<UIView>, not Array<UILabel>. As of the Swift 2 beta series, you can use flatMap for this:

var onlyUILabels = myArray.flatMap { $0 as? UILabel } 

Previously (Swift 1), you could cast, which works but feels a bit ugly.

var onlyUILabels = myArray.filter { $0 is UILabel } as! Array<UILabel> 

Or else you need some way to build a list of just the labels. I don't see anything standard, though. Maybe something like:

extension Array {     func mapOptional<U>(f: (T -> U?)) -> Array<U> {         var result = Array<U>()         for original in self {             let transformed: U? = f(original)             if let transformed = transformed {                 result.append(transformed)             }         }         return result     } } var onlyUILabels = myArray.mapOptional { $0 as? UILabel } 
like image 153
Jesse Rusak Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Jesse Rusak