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How to test file download with rspec 1.3.0/capybara 0.3.9/selenium?

Hi friends I want to test file download in capybara.

I have tried


But it raises Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError exception.

I have also tried


It fails with the message 'No alert is present'

Any help appreciated.

Thank you.

like image 440
Soundar Rathinasamy Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 07:03

Soundar Rathinasamy

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1 Answers

I tested that when I click on a link I should receive *.pdf file.

click_on "link_to_pdf"
page.response_headers['Content-Type'].should eq "application/pdf"

It doesn't work with selenium, so better to specify not javascript driver. I am sure that it works with RackTest.

feature "Download pdf", :js => false do
like image 77
Kamil Jopek Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Kamil Jopek