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How to test CSS Framework custom components with vue-test-utils

I'm using the Buefy CSS Framework, which provides custom vue-js components such as <b-input> and <b-table>, and I've come across a problem testing the <b-input> tag.

import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'
import BInputPractice from '../BInputPractice.vue'
import Buefy from 'buefy'

const localVue = createLocalVue()

describe('b-input Practice', () => {
  it('updates the name data property', () => {
    const wrapper = shallowMount(BInputPractice, { 
      stubs: {
        'b-input': Buefy.Input
    const input = wrapper.find('input')
    input.element.value = 'a name'
    expect(wrapper.vm.name).toBe('a name')

<!-- BInputPractice.vue -->
    <b-input v-model="name"></b-input>
    <!-- <input v-model="name"> -->

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        name: ''

The expect statement in my test code should pass, as it passes when I use an <input> tag instead of a <b-input>. However, triggering the 'input' event on the <b-input> does nothing to the name data property.

enter image description here

Does anyone know how I can correctly stub the <b-input> tag so that I can test it exactly as an <input> tag?

like image 549
Rich Avatar asked Jun 26 '18 18:06


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If you are using the Vue CLI to build your project, you can use the plugin cli-plugin-unit-jest to run Jest tests. The plugin pulls all required dependencies (including jest), creates a jest.

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Vue does not have a specific testing framework of its own, but most people are using Jest as their unit testing framework of choice. It has an easy to remember API, flexible assertion mechanics and with a large community behind it, you can find many plugins and solutions to common problems.

What is utils in Vue?

Vue Test Utils is the official unit testing utility library for Vue. js. This is the documentation for Vue Test Utils v1, which targets Vue 2 and earlier.

1 Answers

I hope this will help a bit. I realised that when stubbed, a component's name change and -stub is added at the end.

So if you stub b-input it will be called b-input-stub when using:

const wrapper = shallowMount(BInputPractice, { stubs: ['b-input'] })

I don't thing you need to use localView and stubs at the same time. Also you can use the setData(data) to set the data of a component.

wrapper.setData({ name: 'a name' })
expect(wrapper.vm.name).toEqual('a name')

Here the trigger('input') does not need to be launched because you didn't specify something to do @input.native in the b-input like in the template:

<b-input @input.native="updateName" v-model="name"> </b-input>

And inside the export default in your script.

methods: {
    updateName: function () {
      this.$emit('nameUpdate', this.name)

However to set and validate the value of custom components like b-input, I would refer to vuejs/vue-test-utils.

like image 56
Sylhare Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
