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Typescript infer function parameter unions

I currently have an interface with overloaded functions like so:

export interface IEvents {
  method(): boolean;
  on(name: 'eventName1', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName2', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName3', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName4', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName5', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName6', listener: () => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName7', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;
  on(name: 'eventName8', listener: (obj: SomeType) => void): void;

I am trying to get the union type of event names like so:

eventName1 | eventName2 | ...

I have tried the following, but when I infer the type it seems to only pick one of the name values and not a union of all of them.

export type TEventExtension<T extends IEvents> {
  [K in keyof T]: K extends 'on' ? TEventListenerName<T[K]> : never;
}[keyof T];
export type TEventListenerName<T> = T extends (name: infer N, listener: (obj?: infer E) => void) => void ? N : never;
const ext: TEventExtension<IEvents> = void 0 as any; // Type: 'eventName8'

I have also tried using an accumulator type to keep track of the unions, but Typescript doesnt allow recursive generics.

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Edit: The interface with the overloaded definitions exists in an external module. I am trying to avoid c+ping from the external definitions to my definitions, and instead have it build the type automatically.

like image 441
Pat Avatar asked May 22 '18 16:05


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1 Answers

This doesn't need to be a separate answer, but it's hard to get this in a comment: overloads specifically do not work the way you want with type inference in conditional types:

When inferring from a type with multiple call signatures (such as the type of an overloaded function), inferences are made from the last signature (which, presumably, is the most permissive catch-all case). It is not possible to perform overload resolution based on a list of argument types.

declare function foo(x: string): number;
declare function foo(x: number): string;
declare function foo(x: string | number): string | number;
type T30 = ReturnType<typeof foo>;  // string | number

If you can't turn the overloads into a single function with a union of parameters (using conditional types to get listener for "eventName6" correct), then I don't know of a way to do this programmatically.

like image 81
jcalz Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
