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How to test a Windows8 app on a surface

How do I port a Windows8 app that I built onto a Surface? I've built the app using Visual Studio and I can test it just fine on the desktop machine by just hitting F5. How can I put it onto a Surface to test it without having to publish it to the Store? Thanks.

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Ian Davis Avatar asked Nov 26 '12 19:11

Ian Davis

1 Answers

This link explains how to test your app on a Surface using remote debugging: http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2012/10/26/remote-debugging-windows-store-apps-on-surface-arm-devices.aspx

A quick summary:
1. Download the Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2012 (from here, under "Additional software" near the bottom) and install them on your Surface.
2. Launch the Remote Debugger on your Surface and configure it. Leave it running and "listening".
3. Go back to your dev machine and, in Visual Studio 2012, change the Run dropdown to "Remote Machine". Run and select your device.

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Jennifer Marsman - MSFT Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Jennifer Marsman - MSFT