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How to test a ViewModel that loads with a BackgroundWorker?

One of the nice things about MVVM is the testability of the ViewModel. In my particular case, I have a VM that loads some data when a command is called, and its corresponding test:

public class MyViewModel
    public DelegateCommand LoadDataCommand { get; set; }

    private List<Data> myData;
    public List<Data> MyData
        get { return myData; }
        set { myData = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => MyData); }

    public MyViewModel()
        LoadDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnLoadData);

    private void OnLoadData()
        // loads data over wcf or db or whatever. doesn't matter from where...
        MyData = wcfClient.LoadData();

public void LoadDataTest()
    var vm = new MyViewModel();

So that is all pretty simple stuff. However, what I would really like to do is load the data using a BackgroundWorker, and have a 'loading' message displayed on screen. So I change the VM to:

private void OnLoadData()
    IsBusy = true; // view is bound to IsBusy to show 'loading' message.

    var bg = new BackgroundWorker();
    bg.DoWork += (sender, e) =>
      MyData = wcfClient.LoadData();
    bg.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) =>
      IsBusy = false;

This works fine visually at runtime, however my test now fails because of the property not being loaded immediately. Can anyone suggest a good way to test this kind of loading? I suppose what I need is something like:

public void LoadDataTest()
    var vm = new MyViewModel();

    // wait a while and see if the data gets loaded.
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if(vm.MyData != null)
            return; // success
    Assert.Fail("Data not loaded in a reasonable time.");

However that seems really clunky... It works, but just feels dirty. Any better suggestions?

Eventual Solution:

Based on David Hall's answer, to mock a BackgroundWorker, I ended up doing this fairly simple wrapper around BackgroundWorker that defines two classes, one that loads data asynchronously, and one that loads synchronously.

  public interface IWorker
    void Run(DoWorkEventHandler doWork);
    void Run(DoWorkEventHandler doWork, RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler onComplete);

  public class AsyncWorker : IWorker
    public void Run(DoWorkEventHandler doWork)
      Run(doWork, null);

    public void Run(DoWorkEventHandler doWork, RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler onComplete)
      var bg = new BackgroundWorker();
      bg.DoWork += doWork;
      if(onComplete != null)
        bg.RunWorkerCompleted += onComplete;

  public class SyncWorker : IWorker
    public void Run(DoWorkEventHandler doWork)
      Run(doWork, null);

    public void Run(DoWorkEventHandler doWork, RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler onComplete)
      Exception error = null;
      var args = new DoWorkEventArgs(null);
        doWork(this, args);
      catch (Exception ex)
        error = ex;
        onComplete(this, new RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs(args.Result, error, args.Cancel));

So then in my Unity configuration, I can use SyncWorker for testing, and AsyncWorker for production. My ViewModel then becomes:

public class MyViewModel(IWorker bgWorker)
    public void OnLoadData()
        IsBusy = true;
          (sender, e) =>
            MyData = wcfClient.LoadData();
          (sender, e) =>
            IsBusy = false;

Note that the thing i have marked as wcfClient is actually a Mock in my tests too, so after the call to vm.LoadDataCommand.Execute() I can also validate that wcfClient.LoadData() was called.

like image 678
CodingWithSpike Avatar asked Jun 23 '11 13:06


1 Answers

Introduce a mock/fake background worker which verifies that you call it correctly but returns immediately with a canned response.

Change your view model to allow for injection of dependencies, either through property injection or constructor injection (I'm showing constructor injection below) and then when testing you pass in the fake background worker. In the real world you inject the real implementation when creating the VM.

public class MyViewModel
    private IBackgroundWorker _bgworker;

    public MyViewModel(IBackgroundWorker bgworker)
        _bgworker = bgworker;

    private void OnLoadData()    
        IsBusy = true; // view is bound to IsBusy to show 'loading' message.        

        _bgworker.DoWork += (sender, e) =>        
            MyData = wcfClient.LoadData();        
        _bgworker.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) =>        
            IsBusy = false;        


Depending on your framework (Unity/Prism in your case) wiring up the correct background worker should not be too hard to do.

The one problem with this approach is that most Microsoft classes including BackGroundWorker don't implement interfaces so faking/mocking them can be tricky.

The best approach I've found is to create your own interface for the object to mock and then a wrapper object that sits on top of the actual Microsoft class. Not ideal since you have a thin layer of untested code, but at least that means the untested surface of your app moves into testing frameworks and away from application code.

like image 62
David Hall Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

David Hall