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how to target component styles from host component angular 2



I have this :

    selector: 'host-element',
    template: `<elementA></elementA>`,
    styles:[''] //styles here

export class hostElement {}

How do I target the styles of elementA component from host-element?

Thanks in advance!!

like image 582
Emmanuel Villegas Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 02:12

Emmanuel Villegas

2 Answers

:host elementA {
  // style here
like image 112
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 22:01

Günter Zöchbauer

Angular has a special css operator /deep/, you can read about it here.

To make a style go beyond your component, put in your css (sass, less):

/deep/ .elemet-a-class {
   ... your style;

Or if you want to put it locally, just

styles: ['/deep/ .element-a-class { ... }']
like image 45
Meir Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 22:01
