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How to switch the order of files (original and modified) in Eclipse Compare window?




When comparing two files, for example during a commit, Eclipse shows the original version on the right and modified on the left:

Compare Window Screenshot

However, I would prefer to see the original version on the left and modified on the right. Is it possible?

like image 586
vitaut Avatar asked Feb 18 '12 11:02


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2 Answers

Eclipse Neon.2 (4.6.2) has a button to swap the views:

enter image description here

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Emerson Dallagnol Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Emerson Dallagnol

  1. You can either swap the views for every compare, as one answer suggests:

    button to swap compare order

  2. Or you can make the swapped order be the default for all compares:

    Windows --> Preferences --> General --> Compare/Patch

    Select the Text Compare tab, and mark the check-box of Swap left and right

    Compare/Patch -> Text Compare -> Swap left and right

like image 42
Michael Veksler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Michael Veksler