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eclipse update sites: HTTP Proxy Authentication Required error




when I go to Install new software and select an update site, I get a "HTTP Proxy Authentication Required" error.

I have searched the internets for quite some time, and I still did not get an answer.


  • I get this error for every update site.
  • I am able to access the update site link both in an internal or external browser.
  • I am using the "native" proxy in eclipse network settings.
  • direct proxy in eclipse network settings does not work either.
  • our helpdesk told me that it's not possible to set up the manual proxy in eclipse network settings (or they don't know)
  • I've tried manually inserting a proxy server:port that I found in a proxy.pac file that I've discovered, no luck...
  • I've tried reinstalling Eclipse, re-adding and/or reloading repositories and deleting repo cache dir
  • I'm using: -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true in ini file
  • I've tried mirroring the repositories using both methods, but log file gives the same proxy error

My system: Eclipse for PHP Developers
Version: Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1)
Build id: 20150109-0600
Windows 7, 64bit

like image 325
Lukáš Budoš Avatar asked Mar 10 '15 16:03

Lukáš Budoš

People also ask

How to fix HTTP proxy Authentication Required in eclipse?

In Eclipse, go to Window → Preferences → General → Network Connections. In the Active Provider combo box, choose "Manual". In the proxy entries table, for each entry click "Edit..." and supply your proxy host, port, username and password details.

How do I resolve proxy issues in STS?

If you are behind a proxy, you want to go to window -> properties, search for proxy and switch to "manual" update the HTTP and HTTPS and clear the SOCKS entries (no values). This should enable STS to get through the proxy immediately. Apparently, this issue has more to do with Eclipse in STS rather than STS itself.

1 Answers

Just add this at the end of your eclipse.ini :


In my case I had to set the proxy also to manual (SOCKS should be unchecked). But then, no more hassle.

It basically disables the default Apache HTTP client and will use an HTTP client based on the JRE URL connection. See: https://wiki.eclipse.org/Disabling_Apache_Httpclient


There is a new Apache HTTP client version for which the parameter value has changed:


To disable both use:

like image 176
ViToni Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
