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How to switch cvs user in checked out directory



My co-worker checked out our source tree from cvs and made some local changes, and then gave me a copy of the entire modified directory. When I try to do cvs operations on it, cvs is asking for his password. Is there a way to change the saved username in the cvs files within this directory so that I can continue working on it as if I had checked it out and made the changes?

We'd prefer not to check in this modified code or create any additional branches.


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stupakov Avatar asked Jul 02 '10 17:07


People also ask

How do I checkout a folder at CVS?

Use “cvs checkout” giving the name of the directory in the cvs repository you want to checkout, where the name you give is a directory under CVSROOT, presently $CD_SOFT/cvs (eg app/alh, script). The directory you give, and all subdirectories, will be placed in your working directory.

How do I checkout a project at CVS?

Click on the left window in the program and select a folder. Then select Cvs Admin - Checkout Module. Select the project folder you created earlier. Enter project module name and click OK.

How do I checkout a tag at CVS?

To retrieve a tagged file or set of files, use the -r tagname option to cvs checkout or cvs update . Use checkout to create a new sandbox, and use update to modify an existing sandbox.

What is CVS command in Linux?

cvs(Concurrent Versions System) command in Linux is used to store the history of a file. Whenever a file gets corrupted or anything goes wrong “cvs” help us to go back to the previous version and restore our file.

2 Answers

Found a solution:

A partial description is here: http://worldforge.org/doc/faq/cvs/#unix2

Here's what I did:

> find module_dir_name -regex .*CVS/Root -print0 | xargs -0 perl -p -i.orig -e "s/olduser/newuser/;"
> find module_dir_name -regex .*CVS/Root.orig -print0 | xargs -0 perl -p -i.orig -e "s/olduser/newuser/;"
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stupakov Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11


Thanks for your solution, stupakov; it helped me a lot!. It can be slightly simpler (and more universal; I didn't have perl installed) with this command. Note that it handles both Root and Root.orig:

find module_dir_name -regex ".*CVS/Root\(.orig\)?" -print0 \
    | xargs -0 sed -i s/olduser/newuser/ 
like image 20
Ethan Bradford Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11

Ethan Bradford