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How to swap two parameters of a variadic template at compile time?

I'm trying to swap two parameters of a variadic template at compile time :

 template<int...Numbers>struct sequence{};

template<size_t first,size_t second>
struct Swap_Pair
    const static size_t First = first;
    const static size_t Second = second;

template <int...Numbers,class swap_pair>
struct Swap_Data
    static std::array<int, sizeof...(Numbers)> data_;//How to swap Numbers base on the pair and store it in data_ ?

The use case should be :

sequence<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6> array;
auto result = Swap_Data < array, Swap_Pair<2, 5> > ::data_;
//result is now std::array which contains 1 2 6 4 5 3 

I can't figure out what is the proper way of writing Swap_Data .

And how can I make a recursive swap for swapping variadic parameters and converting into std::array at compile time ?

like image 720
uchar Avatar asked Jun 11 '14 11:06


1 Answers

The link I posted on the comment is my own implementation of a std::bind()-like metafunction for metafunctions.

What I did is to transform the bind call parameters from its value (A value or a placeholder) to a value, or the value represented by that placeholder.

In your case you could try a similar approach: Map the sequence from placeholders (The values passed to swap) to the corresponding values of the sequence. Something like:

template<std::size_t I>
struct placeholder{};

using _1 = placeholder<0>;
... //More placeholder aliases

template<typename SEQ , typename... PLACEHOLDERS>
struct swap;

template<std::size_t... Is , std::size_t... Ps>
struct swap<sequence<Is...>,placeholder<Ps>...>
    template<typename PLACEhOLDER>
    struct transformation;

    template<std::size_t I>
    struct transformation<placeholder<I>>
        static constexpr const std::size_t result = get<sequence<Is...>,I>::value;

    using result = map<transformation,sequence<Is...>>;

Where map is a metafunction similar to std::transform() (Very easy to write), and get a metafunction which retrieves the Ith element of a sequence (Easy too).

This could be used on this way:

 using swapped = typename swap<sequence<1,2,3>,_3,_2,_1>::result; //swapped is sequence<3,2,1>
like image 169
Manu343726 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
